Tuesday 17 May 2016


Church and state destroy themselves..and they are a security threat to the population..dont know what those cripple souls still want here..guess its too much to ask from such filth to have feelings of shame or guilt..in their brainwashed remainings nothing human or emotional left..just empty bodies filled with the dirt of others..programmed robot zombies..nothing to be proud of..they dont even have something like a real heritage..born in some labs..sad and pitty shit..why torturing others for your own incompleteness..its not my fault..all the crimes youve committed..and still do..taking peoples free will..fucking around with their brainwaves on a large scale..and the hybrid and clone thing sure had enough victims aswell..in the name of national sickurity..not really..and now people like us have to be your guineapigs too..to test your nazi chips and frequency weapons..not enough that youve sent your invisible killers after me..and now you want to cry like a little baby because they fight on my side..not really..you would have done the same..it was your intention from the beginning..i just tried to survive all the insanity you threw on me..each day all those years..just to hide all this disgusting mess..i never challenged the government like i do now..its something youve provoced again and again..not enough that the pharma boys poison our foods..now we have to breath and drink it aswell..soon we will be killed by some gas just like they did in syria or back in old germany..not really..and then the thing with all the children and other innocents that get abused by government officials, politicans and other rich filth..


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