Saturday 6 August 2016


Jesus on the cross and all the other images of suffering in the churches are part of their black magical system with which they abuse belivers all over the world..horror show in the name of "god"..also the vast energetic manipulation done thru the churches positions, skulls and other monuments that have been built for the rituals suppress those energies or feed them to their gods..those religions are invented and run by and are mainly for demons and their purpose of survival..if there is something higher above us it must be the sum of it all..not less not more..the rest are lies, deceptions and fakes..devils disguised as gods..praying to idols opens all doors for them..and what else do faithful people in the churches and at home with their altars (sacrificial accessoire)..and if black people or others practice such magical systems they call it voodoo or mental illness..when it is almost the same satanists do (at least they have common roots) which they also oppose in the public..but on the deeper levels of this mess all is connected and helping the evol to grow..maybe its time to use my voodoo dolls surprise then that you can find those deadly antennas on church towers too..just seen on my last trip..for the microwave god..and then there was this man who killed someone under hypnosis and did not even remember..this was a tv-experiment and it did work..and now weve located our own highly contaminated and experimental tschernobyl-zone on our land..obviously because of some nearby antenna-weapon which seems to be abused for such illegal surveillance, torture and control games its clear that those must be removed..ive read somewhere that throwing magnetite powder close to the antennas can cause them to malfunction or stop operating..we do not even use WLAN at our place but are exposed to those frequencies on a farm where they try to produce organic foods..which seems impossible with such high levels of radiation and chemtrail rain falling from the skies..thanks to the mason 666 X groups controlling our society for the price of human sacrifice..right..guess its time for some more posters and letters..informing the population..a bit chemical cancer and radiation mutation..sure..not that anyone will be able to control such extreme influences but well..chaos can be healing too..sometimes least we should try to stand up against this development even if the general hypnotic brainwash does not really appeal to it..and speaking of unhealthy domination..did anyone recognize this weird NOKIA intro logo with the male hand taking a child hand..connecting people..not sure what children have to do with communication like mobile phones as they should not use them anyway..or do they also sell child care products now..or children in general..could be another sign of pedophiliac networks involvement as weve seen that with other big international companies like Römer and Britax..and if we would look closer we would find much more of this strange uncoincidential confidential shit going on..and so caught the thule air base in greenland my attention too..what a name..totally occupied by NATO forces as it is a strategically good place for war..also had some former space programs there and sure many other suspicious acitivities as they act very secretive about that place..on top of europe..and how can those few inuit people there oppose such a power from the U.S...the danish government seems to be under their control..its a nest thats for sure and deserves a closer look..maybe the chemtrail thing is also orchestrated from places like this..radar and haarp is sure part of their equipment too..defence area right..rather attacking the whole world from distant and far off no one gets suspicious or comes to run over their facilities..just like in our swiss mountains..maybe they should be attacked exactly at those places..and now everyone wants to vote the right parties again..because of the IS which will be soon defeated anyway..thanks to all the alliances causing wars in islamic countries..thats why we need much more security..right..which means less privacy, less freedom and propably loss of life aswell..we are only alive as long we keep being slaves of their evol system..which causes much more suffering and terror than those which they label with those crimes..and thru such choices they give those state criminals even more money and more weapons to execute their "terrorism"..the one no one is allowed to talk or write about and already caused more damage than all ISIS on the planet..what a joke..people should not vote for any of those liar and traitor politicians..they should be all dismissed..from left to right..all the nazi pedophiles..because thats all they are and all they will support once they are elected..guess next time they will use sarin gas against us and no one will ever go home from this station/city again..and they will not ask if you voted for them..once they are in power they will eliminate everything and everyone who could be a danger for their coming tyranny and dictatorship which we all had a taste of dont let yourself be fooled..but sadly the people fall into every trap they set for them..maybe we can use this for our advantage too..if its so easy to control them..naivity and stupidity have obviously taken over..thanks to all the other manipulative influences..using a weapons frequency (that has been used by the russians against the americans) as wireless communication system worldwide..exposing billions to something that is obviously harming..just to make money and enslave it is with the poisons and all the other accidentially and coincidentially really not so necessary but also secret and very damaging things they make us want even if its the last thing on earth we need..especially when it causes so much illness and destruction..which is something they obviously support instead of the well-being of nature and future generations..its something that really is very clear to see..once someone dares to..does it matter which butcher we choose in the end..seems the people dont mind and look forward to the slaughterhouses of their nazi there any hope left..i really start to doubt it..the massive human potentials are still unused..and they still give their authority to others who couldnt care less..once those insane groups will rebuilt their structures we will never be able to stop them again..not even as united citizens as we would be propably already dead at this point..just in case someone does really care about our world..their lives and children..those are the real threats and our true they are weak and they use the attacks of those they apparently dont want to be part of our society..still they want to profit from the dead of innocent civilians..thats how they are and always will foreign terrorists will be able to ever kill and attack as many people they do each day of the and there..they are all connected anyways..UFOs as bright as the sun just appeared in russia..thank god..


ORWELL 2.0 - Die totale Überwachung:
SWISS ANTENNA CANCER (GROWING):,ch.bakom.mobil-antennenstandorte-gsm,ch.bakom.mobil-antennenstandorte-umts,ch.bakom.mobil-antennenstandorte-lte&catalogNodes=403,408

Man kann alle Leute einige Zeit und einige Leute alle Zeit,
aber nicht alle Leute alle Zeit zum Narren halten.

An ihrer internationalen Konferenz in Lyon (F) hat die Krebsagentur der WHO am 31.Mai 2011 Mobilfunkstrahlung und andere Funkanwendungen fast einstimmig in die Stufe 2B eingestuft, also als möglicherweise krebserzeugend. Zuvor wurden verschiedenen Wissenschaftlern, deren Nähe zur Telekommunikationsindustrie bekannt ist, das Stimmrecht entzogen. Ebenfalls in der Stufe 2B befindet sich auch das Schädlingsbekämpfungsmittel DDT, welches in der Schweiz seit Jahren verboten ist. Auch niederfrequente Magnetfelder, wie sie von Hochspannungsleitungen und Trafostationen ausgehen sind schon seit 10 Jahren in der Kategorie 2B. Bestens bekannt ist hier das gehäufte Auftreten von Kinderleukämie entlang von Hochspannungsleitungen.

Sich nicht einschüchtern lassen! Der Bundesrat hat im Februar 2012 die Volksgesundheit für 1 Milliarde Franken an die Mobilfunkbetreiber Swisscom, Sunrise und Orange verkauft. Gegen Bezahlung dieses Betrages wurden ihnen nicht nur sogenannte Lizenzen abgegeben, sondern auch noch Rechtssicherheit bis zum Jahr 2028 vertraglich zugesichert. Das müssen wir uns nicht bieten lassen.

In sehr vielen Wohnungen und Häusern werden diese Werte bei weitem nicht eingehalten. Politik und Betreiber tun aus rein finanziellen Interessen momentan überhaupt nichts, um die Bevölkerung zu schützen. Auch vor Gerichten sind die Chancen eher gering und das Kostenrisiko durch hohe Streitwerte groß. Abschirmmaßnahmen sind für die meisten unbezahlbar, Umzug kaum möglich.

Deshalb gibt es nur zwei Möglichkeiten, Industrie und Politik endlich zum Handeln zu zwingen.

1. Auf die Straße gehen und demonstrieren, und zwar regelmäßig
2. Aufs Handy komplett verzichten oder zumindest soweit einschränken wie möglich. Wirksam in diesem Zusammenhang auch: Handyverträge kündigen, keine Handynummern mehr anrufen, keine Anrufe von Handynummern annehmen, jegliche Unterstützung für die Mobilfunkindustrie einstellen und diese damit zur Verbesserung der Übertragungstechnologie und der Standorte zwingen

Greenland has a sophisticated digital telecommunications network, as well as a military communications network associated with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the North American radar defense system.

Greenland fell under the protection of the United States during the German occupation of Denmark in World War II and was returned to Denmark in 1945.

This arose partly in response to a 2004 agreement allowing the United States to upgrade its missile defense system at Thule Air Base. Inuit who had been forcibly removed from the area surrounding the base in the 1950s sued for the right to return, airing their grievances at the European Court of Human Rights. Some Greenlanders were wary of continued U.S. involvement because the United States had stored nuclear bombs on the island during the Cold War without Greenland’s knowledge, despite a Danish ban on such weapons; additionally, in 1968 a U.S. military aircraft carrying four hydrogen bombs had crashed near Thule.

Travelling without a permit in the areas listed in section 1 of the Order, travelling contrary to a permit and the pertaining conditions and travelling after revocation of a permit may be terminated under section 12 of the Order by decision of the Chief Constable of Greenland. In the National Park, the SIRIUS Patrol or Station North will perform this task as they have been granted police authority in this area.

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