Wednesday 17 August 2016


No rape of sexslaves, no corruption of governments, no war-crimes, no mass-mind-control, no illegal hypnosis, no physical torture, no hostile surveillance, no degenerated pedobiles, no manipulative occultism, no police state and satanic church..right..i guess that means also no switzooland..and so many similarities..denial denial denial..thats all there is..the tops of the dirts..but did you know that the new digital car robots are hackable..good news..i wonder when the first pedo-cacabbal cars get hijacked and driven into the next walls..or into certain traces, no murderers, no case..just like you do it..i love lynchings..we should do that way more often now..only a matter of collective awareness and the following anger release..which already cooks under the surface..and might fry some of the responsible authorities aswell..great idea..the new swiss cannibal nightmare island..another tourist astraction for the european peodcrowcrews..someone should bite their heads off..and have abused children play football with it..


Kein Trick zu banal, kein Niveau zu tief, um es nicht noch weiter zu unterschreiten: Betäubende Drogen, Gifte, Bestrahlung, Einbrüche, Sabotage am Auto oder in den Wohnungen oder Häusern, Mobbing, Stalking, gespickt mit parapsychologischen also schwarzmagischen Attacken.

Bewusst erzwungene Bindungen, erzwungene Hörigkeit und Manipulation, insbesondere sexuelle Manipulation, und somit autoritären Machtmissbrauch können auch charismatische Menschen, spirituelle Lehrer, spirituelle "Meister" und Führer von Gruppen bewirken, z.B. von "Scientology" oder "TM" (s.u.), also Gruppen mit entsprechend niedrigen Schwingungen, wie auch "Gurus" und andere Vertreter von Religionen und Weltanschauungen. Täuscht Euch nicht, die Finsternis findet überall fruchtbaren Boden, wo Macht, Geld und Anbetung begehrt werden - leben wir doch auf einem Planeten, der noch von ihr beherrscht wird.

Bei der katholischen Kirche sitzen die Zuständigen im Vatikan. Die katholische Kirche manipuliert bewusst etwa seit dem Jahre 800. Das Geheimwissen darüber besaßen jeweils immer nur ganz wenige Menschen, oft nur einer oder zwei, und es wurde unter dem Siegel der Verschwiegenheit über die Jahrhunderte weitergetragen. Im Vatikan wissen heute nur zwei Menschen davon.
Mir wurde dann das WISSEN gegeben, dass auch diese Bindungen durch eine Einweihung weitergetragen werden, mit der die Manipulation durch ein Ritual verbunden wurde, und zwar ist das die Taufe, die ja jeder Mensch, der der Kirche angehört, empfängt. Den manipulierten Menschen wird ständig Energie (insbesondere Sexualenergie) entzogen, welche dorthin fließt, wo die Manipulation ihren Ursprung hat, bzw. wohin es in diesem ursprünglichen Ritual einst bestimmt wurde: Das ist das Zentrum der Macht, der Vatikan, oder einfach 'Die Kirche', also die Institution an sich. Und weil im Jahre 800 noch keine Kirchenspaltung bestand, führt auch die Evangelische Kirche (bewusst - unbewusst?) die Manipulation durch die Taufe weiter, wobei aber die Energie der so "Beglückten" auch zur Katholischen Kirche fließt... Aber die Evangelische Kirche müsste eigentlich darüber auch Bescheid wissen - denn wenn jemand sich für den Glauben und das "Seelenheil" von Menschen zuständig fühlt, hat er solche Kenntnisse zu haben!!!

Every night, since the collapse of the Soviet Union, Cheb has maintained its reputation as the child sex-capital of Europe.

These include what are known as “the specials”: children so small, so vulnerable, so fragile, that they cannot solicit for themselves. They are offered to the drivers of those cars by their “keepers”. This is the shame of Czechoslovakia, a country that now prides itself on having a future in the European Community.

For the equivalent of US $50 a paedophile can take his pick of children often barely out of their diapers.
They are the ultimate degradation for a town of 38,000 people.
With over 100 brothels, no one knows exactly how many young prostitutes work in them or on the streets of Cheb.

The profits come from child sexual trafficking in all its forms:
- white slavery,
- sex rings,
- pornography,
- the sex tourism industry,
- lap dancing,
- bogus adoption schemes and
- procuring the victims

— the untold millions of children globally entrapped in the sex trade industry are forced to allow their bodies to be used in exchange for food, money, shelter, alcohol and drugs.

Children are bought, sold, traded and misused in underground child sex markets daily. Every state in the United States, and every other nation, contributes in some fashion to the steady flow of children, the customers and exploiters.

The predators who control the sexual trafficking in children are well organized. They have thugs who snatch and break the resistance of children; banks who account the empire’s profits without asking questions; ships that convey the hapless children from one continent to another and private planes that transport them to clients around the world.

Inside the sleazy bars, the scene seldom changes: dimmed red lights, loud music, cheap drinks — and semi-naked girls. Usually they are draped over the men known as “the internationalists”.
These are the soldiers of the United Nations multi-national peace keeping force. In 2003, it consisted of 45,000 soldiers drawn from 39 countries. In addition, there were some 7,000 UN staff as well as members of over 200 Western aid agencies.
Many of the girls appear to be drugged — and not only from the ready supply of cocaine and heroin on open sale.

An American aid agency worker said: “Look it, the bar owners who bought these girls like to keep them nice and quiet. So they buy drugs from some of the UN medics to do so. When a girl has finished her shift, she is taken to her room by a bar man and given a shot. When she wakes up she is ready for her next shift”.

There is growing evidence that many of those slaves are traded over the internet; pimps, often catering for extreme sexual demands ranging from unprotected sex to torture, can log on to women and children best suited to their “markets”.

In 2003, those sales took place in the many apartment block complexes on the outskirts of Belgrade. The girls are handled like livestock and, once one has been bought by a pimp — prices can be up to US $1,500 for a teenager, double that for a pre-teen — the victim will usually be beaten, drugged and forced to have sex with scores of men a week.
If she tries to escape, she can be subjected to further horrendous sexual abuse — and warned that if she tries again to escape, her family back home will be killed.
The Belgrade apartments are owned by Semion Yokovich Mogilevich. He is a specialist in every type of major crime.

“Girls who’ve shown signs of disobedience have had their feet cemented into washbasins before being dumped in the Aegean Sea. Others have been horrifically tortured. The Albanian gangs have a seemingly endless supply of women, and their power extends way beyond their homeland to the underworlds of Italy and parts of New York. The victims do not officially exist and are powerless to resist.”

The trafficking business started with the arrival of UN peacekeepers in 1993. Until then Bosnia had no “sex industry”. The mission of the peacekeepers was to bring democracy. But too many of their members saw an easy way to make money as well as satisfy their own sexual desires.

“After the peacekeepers arrived, criminal gangs who had smuggled guns during the war began to traffic in women and girls. There was more profit and less risk. And so it goes on”, said a member of the international police force, Don Thomas.
The worst offenders are the 3,000 Russian peace-keepers. Some girls have described how friends were taken into the Russian camps and never seen again.
Unlike Bosnia, where the UN peacekeepers arrived in a blaze of publicity, no one knows exactly when “the Germans” started to arrive in their big cars for sex with the children of Cheb.
The men who drive into the cheerless town know they no longer have to fly to Thailand to have sex with a child.

Many of the child prostitutes come from Cheb’s large Roman refugee population. Their knowledge of German is confined to the sexual words of their trade.
By night, they haunt the park adjoining the town’s Evropska Street or stand in darkened doorways in the alleys.

There is a German law, passed in 1993, under which the Federal Republic can prosecute men who have sex with minors abroad. If found guilty, a culprit can be sentenced up to ten years in jail.

The global traffic in children for commercial sexual exploitation involves torture and their premeditated rape and mutilation. If and when the authorities decide to take action against the child sex trade, it achieves very little.

This terrible human abuse, the prerogative of no one race or colour, continues to occur under all religions, and where there is no religion. The sexual traffic in children is the product of greed and lust which feeds off abject poverty.
There is no solution in sight until that poverty is addressed — and the traffickers sentenced to long terms.
By a collective indifference and silence, the betrayal of children will persist.

According to testimony given to a US government committee, the CIA and its friends make use of child sex slaves - to blackmail and control top people.

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