Saturday, 13 April 2019


Was sent my way some time ago.. guess I'm returning the favour...

"I am descended from the Sky on the earth to convert you. Formerly, peoples were religious, and their harvests were abundant. At present, on the contrary, harvests are thin. If you want to harvest in abundance, you do not have to work Sunday, because Sunday you have to go to the church and to pray God to forgive your sins. He has given you six days to work, and one to rest you and to pray, to help poor people and to go to the church. Those which murmur against My Religion and despise this Holyed Letter will be abandoned by Me.
On the contrary, those which will keep on them a copy of this letter will be preserved of the death by drowning and the sudden death, as well as all contagious sicknesses and the thunderbolt; they will not die without confession and will be preserved of their enemies and the hand of the bad authorities, as well as all their slanderers and false witnesses. The women in danger, at the time of the childbirth, will overcome all the difficulties by keeping this prayer close of her. In houses where one will keep this prayer, no misfortune will never arrive, and 40 days before the death of a person that guards this prayer on him or on her, the Virgin Mary will appear to him or to her.
To all believers that will recite during 3 years each days, 2 Pater, Ave and Gloria, in the honor of Blood Drops which I lost, I will grant the five following graces:
* Plenary indulgence and the discount of your faults;
* You will be exempt of the sorrows of the Purgatory;
* If you die before to have accomplished the 3 years, it will be the same thing as if you had finished them;
* At your death, this will be AS IF YOU HAD POURED ALL YOUR BLOOD FOR THE FAITH;
* I will go down from the Sky to come to seek your soul and those of your children until the 4th GENERATION.
Know that the number of armed soldiers were 150; those which trailed Me while I was attached were 23; the executors of justice were 83; I received 150 blows on the head; 108 on the stomach; 80 kicks on the shoulders; I was trailed 24 times by the hair; I received 180 SPITTLES ON THE FACE; 6666 blows on the body...; 110 times I was pushed brutally and, at midday, I was raised by the hair, stung by thorns and pulled by the beard 23 times; I received 20 wound on the head; 110 stings of thorns on the head; 35 MORTAL THORNS IN THE FACE; then I was whipped and dressed as a king of derision; 1000 wounds on the body; 608 soldiers escorted Me on the Calvary; 3 Kept me, and 1008 mocked Me. The drops of blood that I lost were to the number of 28430".

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