Monday, 27 August 2018


The reported/mentioned individuals in this report's addition are murderers, liars, (war-)criminals, hostage keepers, drug dealers, human traffickers, cover-up agents, members of a satanic sect corrupting the whole country to a degree which is dangerous and inacceptable.

Incidents from 28.7.-27.8.2018:

28.7.2018: Went to a day party in the forest close to Birmensdorf max. 15 people (2 strange men and one girl appeared seemed to be connected to the known crime groups) - went home with a friend who left the next morning
30.7.2018: Could get two of the creatures out of the house in placing them in handcuffs in front of our house - someone picked them up guess it was the local corruption police who either took the handcuffs off and let them go which created a lot of fear in involved perpetraitors or has them still in custody - both was not ordered by me and i could not give any recommendations/solutions for this issue due to the situation i was in and no one bothered to ask until that day
31. 7. 2018  - 2.8.2018: People from my house and creatures from my house (we have been locked up and abused there for more than one year) have been in the Restaurant Il Tiglio and in our house together with my missing friend JJ - someone else tried to enter my room and make contact but was too shy or whatever (playing music apps) - after the whole day and evening went by without any match i went to the hotel Holiday Inn in Affoltern am Albis - the group followed and another night passed without being able to talk directly to anyone involved neither the victim - people were hiding in rooms, not showing their faces and didnt want to come out - missing victim was seen and heard, tried to enter the room with occult techniques but was hindered by same persons - went home the next day until at night strange noises and fights started off around midnight - (arguments between creatures and my roomate - heard someone called Cecylle was killed - music was repeatedly played loud with some special apps) left again to the same hotel where my phone was stolen from my room by a female person looking up my messages and phone numbers which was involved during the whole time - heard people talking about bringing me to some place and what not (video surveillance at hotel of these days need closer inspection - have some footage from our house showing strange people going in and out during the night i was at the hotel - check for suspicous activity on mobile phone records of all involved people) - made the post on Blogger, saw some special white policeman enter the building and left soon after to the city where i was on the run again from corrupted state agents/police - so i was protesting in controlled rage which lead to weird reactions by crime authorities - went to the gallery in the evening where my exhibition was - same music app was played loud in the city and people were talking again behind my back - slept at a artists friends home in Wipkingen
3. 8. 2018 Went to Ibis hotel at Turbinenplatz where also strange people were "working" on me (removing a lot of items from my body from distance and other rooms) - felt like some Swisscom "folks" tried to kill/eat me again
4.-7.8. 2018 Went to hotel UTO Kulm on Uetliberg and tried to fix some solutions for our problem of living together with creatures and corrupted neighbors which was the source of most issues in connection with this way of swiss problem solving - instead of cooperating the swiss army tried to attack us there more than once in the midst of tourists which is actually standard with this kind of army who did that repeatedly in highly populated areas during the past years - was constantly covered up
7.- 27.8.2018 Roommate C. Kunz (who has nazi-SS relicts at home and stole huge amounts of money at a company in the past - never was convicted for it) started to call me acting like she didnt know where i am and that she is worried about me and my cats because i wasnt home the past days - did not try contact me earlier but instead my mother and obviously also people from social services to make me look like i didnt care - played the sick card once again - i took care of her animals all year long and i could expect her to watch them for those few days but she didnt my cats were almost starved. They forced me to go home and obviously tried to cover everything up that happened there (incl. killing me) - i decided to immediately move out of the house and took my cats and bed and left to a neighbor which i got to know weeks before who wanted me to rent a room in his house - as soon C. Kunz realized that i wanted to move out she started to threaten and blackmail me with my belongings for rent money - of course weve had an argument because of that but ive paid the full rent (the deal was that i have free access to my stuff including evidence and “creature”-related materials – reported the incident online, to various authorities and to present troops also no reaction/support -  still left alone with all of this - incuding constant provocations from all sides) - she told the police that i wanted to burn down the house and what not (in reality she is scared of the revenge by the creatures she abused/programmed with violent games and movies in my name together with the other neighbors from below Barry and Bruno - which did not happen and isnt on our agendas - still punishment is inevitable - they murdered in my name and fed the dead to reptiloids at Restaurant Giardino - HIGHWAY TO HELL?!) which is a straight lie and with this she, her violent boyfriend and the police (Künzi, Peterhans) justify the locking up of all my stuff since 3 weeks now (those full blown psychopaths did already pack my stuff without my consent) - the police did not cooperate despite serveral messages (tried to lure me on the station after being reminded of their responsibility) and apparently gave out secret informations about my police files which were also used against me - its clear that all of this is designed to hide the fact that they know about the abuse of creatures, my (since over 5 years) missing victim friend, that theyve tortured me for years and now with him aswell and that they try to cover this up in framing me as mental ill - once again.

Its 100% confirmed by this incident that Switzerland's authorities did not change a bit since we first reported this case in 2013 - vigilantism and corruption from bottoms to tops - no solutions are presented or followed thru in connection with these creatures who still have to live in my basement and we all are constantly at risk of being abused, attacked or killed - the situation is still the same all over and Switzerland must be hold responsible for all the committed crimes and the punishment of involved/known/reported groups/individuals - there is plenty of proof present for all these allegations - Switzerland should give me enough land with one big house on it where i could handle this creature problem (seem highly traumatized, miss-programmed and very damaged by previous "owners") in secure peace and start doing my work - but they still do not see the necessity of this and think i should live and solve it under these bad circumstances which is almost impossible to do - therefore we need other countries who understand this and are willing to help us with this issue - please contact for more informations.

Due to the continued and unjustified oppression by swiss authorites and private citizens i will not be able to stay in this disgusting war-crime country much longer - i will have to travel to one of your agencies/embassies abroad together with everyone that is still bound to me - safety can be guaranteed under following conditions:
- Preparation of restricited areas (3 spots - not for A-dracs which have other solutions - each isolated and far off - no direct contact to other humans or other creatures will be allowed unless it is necessary/permitted) - addiotional feature EM-coffins for behaviour modification - all other solutions are canceled for the time being until this case if fully solved
- One creature (well-behaving) will always stay with me for our own safety (will work as presented in previous post)

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