Den Begriff "Elektronische Schikane" verwendet man, um das Verbrechen und die Angriffe mit Hilfe von Energie-Waffen (Mikrowelle Waffen-, Schall-Waffen), Gedankenlesen und Mind-Control-Waffen zu beschreiben. Diese Waffen werden verwendet, um ihre Opfer zu manipulieren, handlungsunfähig zu machen, zu foltern und zu ermorden. Vor allem, um zu stehlen. Schießen, brennen, kochen und Gedankenlesen und den Geist von Menschen, darunter auch Kinder, mit diesen Waffen zu steuern, sind Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit und schreckliche Menschenrechtsverletzungen.
Gang stalkers and people cookers and the ones facilitating and responsible belong to the sickest species on this planet. They torture, murder, steal, and profit, stuff themselves from the (blood) money stolen from the people they murder. They are just parasites that should not walk around but belong in prison for the rest of their lives.
The only way to save the world is to stop your national secret services. Breaking laws and violating human rights in horrible ways has become a way of life. They are responsible for most problems in your neighbourhood, in your city, in your country, in the world. Make them responsible for what they are doing. Let them account for in detail, force them to open up their organizations for thorough investigations. Stop their funding if they do not co-operate. Replace directors and staff immediately by normal people for starters.
Secret services mainly consists of murderers and child abusers, in fact most secret services personnel are carefully selected psychopaths. Psychopaths are unable to experience remorse for what happens to their victims. Keep that in mind while reading the three main characteristics of secret services agents (including directors of these services):
1. Commit beyond imagination horrible crimes
The main reason why they commit these crimes is that normal people will say: No, this cannot be true, I cannot believe anyone would commit such horrible crimes. To all normal people I say: Start believing it is true, this is not a movie, secret services agents really are the sickest creatures on this planet!
2. Only care about themselselves
They don't care about other people, about children, they only care about themselselves. For example they set up children to stalk a target. They do not care if the child gets attacked or traumatized. They failed as a human being themselves, so they don't care if they destroy lives of other people and children.
3. Are excellent liars
They have been made accomplices to murder one and know that they have to cover up or go to jail the rest of their miserable lives, in fact their lives are one big lie. They just lie their way through life without winking.
Finally, there is one major thing you must know about secret services agents: They are all afraid of the truth as the truth will jail them for life. This makes it in effect very easy to deal with these bastards: the next time secret services agents ask you to do things for them just say: NO. Never co-operate with secret services. The first thing they do is turn you into a murderer (by making you accessory to their crimes).
They are told lies and start co-operating thinking it is a good thing to do. Then after some time they realize that what they are doing is wrong, that they are committing a crime. Still, many continue to co-operate, but now because they are afraid that everybody will know that they are criminals, and that they may be treated the way the victim is treated.
A growing network has formed in our city, and in many cities nationwide. It has been illegally established by the Deep State, or what Pulitzer Prize winner Glenn Greenwald calls the Shadow Government, an unelected alliance of powerful bureaucrats and the ultra-rich. Their regularly committed offenses, according to thousands of victims’ statements, include extortion, assault, corporate espionage, political and judicial corruption, betrayal, child abuse, sadistic torture, sabotage, forced labor, and the subverting of legal rights. It operates in secret, and exists to serve the interests and pleasures of a few elitist criminals, at the expense of their countless victims and the rule of law.
These criminal elements use new technologies, sly repression tactics, and dirty little tricks in order to manipulate and exploit people. They tell targets whatever they want to hear in order to ensnare them over the long-term. Yet, they don't want anyone speaking about this openly with others, because they’re each told a different lie. They are not setting up these networks for the good of the community or out of altruism, but rather to control people and engineer society to advance their self-interest. They make you think that they share your values and interests, but they are corrupted, anti-Christian, technocrats. They are trying to secretly atomize us and control us, in order to increase their power and material wealth. They maintain anonymity by communicating with signs, symbols, code-words, and new technologies. This enables them to exploit and betray everyone, with impunity.
Their primary tools for subjugation and control include organized stalking and “stealth weaponry.” Organized Stalking is a tactic with its roots in COINTELPRO and the Stasi technique of Zersetzung. Its effectiveness is rooted more in psychological terror than physical assaults – this is also what gives it cover to be deployed on a widespread basis. Tactics include: break-ins of home, office, and car, in order to tamper with devices or leave other small signs of invasion, to terrorize; drugging your food, often with illegal drugs or even parasite eggs; mobbing; following; group stalking; intimidating threats; smear campaigns; street theatre; noise campaigns; and harassment. Some participants are unknowingly involved, and blindly following orders, others know what they’re doing. This is all done to illegally isolate, weaken and terrorize the victim into subjugation.
Electromagnetic Weapons are used to covertly target, monitor, and torture victims. They are also used to control, and ensure the continued compliance of those that have already been subjugated. Although, many of these weapon systems were developed in the 70s and 80s, most of the public remains largely ignorant of their existence. This makes them the perfect weapon, because if they are used in clever ways to torture and subjugate victims, they can operate endlessly under the threat of psychiatric reprisal. Capabilities of these weapons include: continuous tracking and targeting of individuals; monitoring, mapping and decoding of physiological signs for thought decoding and insertion; transmission of sound directly to the brain through the microwave auditory effect; the creation of synthetic emotions and synthetic thoughts; implanted holographic images; and modulated dreams. They can even cause heart attacks or other ailments. These directed energy devices are deployed throughout multiples platforms, including satellite, radar, vehicle, plane, and some are even piggy-backed on various utility grids. Needless to say, they give immense power to the operators, which in turn allows them to repress knowledge of their existence, thusly ensuring the longevity of their illegal use on American citizens.
Your neighbors, who haven’t extensively studied and researched this field, or have possibly been subjugated by these weapons, might deny their existence and use. We assure you, they are 100%, objectively real, and this flyer contains nothing but the truth. Please keep this in the back of your mind, because we don’t want to see good people, and society as a whole, entirely corrupted and ruined. More and more informed experts are writing books about, and speaking up about these crimes. Once enough of the public is aware of these illegal programs, we can get them shut down.

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