Thursday 6 October 2016


Not all jews are zionists..but zionists seem to be nazis is that possible..that the ones who oppress our opinions about the unhealthy interventions by jewish-like groups with anti-semitism and the holocaust are actually part of the nazi seems more a criminal organisation like the kosher nostra mafia and the mossad/shin bet aka shabak killers..yeah its about money, and power, and control..even thru terrorism..accusing others for it is a well known strategy too..where did they came from in the first place..occupying palestinian land..because of some corrupted brainwashers holy books..and everyone is ok with it..not originated from another planet i other non-human interventionists for name it in a neutral way..not saying that zionists are all human..but the occult cabbal knowledge is surely practiced in all branches of their organized deception and crime groups and is partly responsible for the presence of those demonic forces on earth..they are already infiltrating and controlling certain parts of europe..probaly prepare for another war..just like the NATO and the russians do..on european soil of course..why waging war in their own countries when you can destroy and kill others on the way..none of them can really afford such a big war..and they cannot really win it either...maybe the war will be funded by arab saudis and rich jews..guess its always the same group of people who manipulated whole countries against each has never been about race..its nazi pig vs. nazi everyone can send their soldier citizens on the field to die for them..all the wars and terrorist attacks are part of their sick and twisted agenda for world all we already have an invisible and secret occupation war in our country its actually very justified to contact/inform and involve other states and governments into this the population is obviously unable to defeat the threat of this total corrupted system..not fullfilling any of its roles anymore..none of it..why keep paying them..all we need is food and shelter..we shit on protection which is none..only for rich and criminals..nah better look for another job unless you wanna die for this gangsters..and they are going which hands doesnt matter..crimes are crimes..nothing will ever change that..not even if governments legalize this "behaviour" for certain parts of our society..the law is meant for everyone or none should live according to leave me alone with any of your fake articles which obviously do not work for the real crimes either..why are there no articles dealing with occult crimes..everything in this system is just half of the truth..thats why it will never work out..the visible world can only exist in duality when there is a invisible world too..falsehood is the basis of our society and all we apparently have "accomplished" in our human (d-)evolution..hard to admit but actually very very true..based on universal principals..eternal and matter if billions of creatures dont realize it still is how it is..dont you know that my father was part of the hungarian resistance against the sowjets..he fleed to switzerland in my genetic heritage and my ancestors couldnt be more rebellious and revolutionary..anti-stalins=nazis..unlike yours who havent done a shit since this country was founded by templar lunatics based on some mysterious fairytale called tell..what a dont have are..true blood is running thru my veines..those are my dont even have ive put my shields back more acoustic resonance surveillance torture for me tho..who ever is responsible for the occupation and attacks of/on switzerland by CIA/NATO and/or mossad forces should be punished according to those laws..which is our government, the corporate industrial money gamblers and all branches of our national security forces (military, police and everything that acts between)..including the catholic church and the vatican (and all other religions of course) committing crimes against nations worldwide since centuries..thru occult and subterranean interventions aswell..the whole bunch of militant pedo-gay extremists..its time they face a real trial..all of them..and not the ones who try to find a solution for the problems they have created..fabricated by people who lived generations before us..there will be war anyway as long as justice is absent..all we can do is try to direct those forces to the right places and the people who really deserve and need justice..especially terrorists..i know where i would send them first..propably to an event of those biogoa-traitors..a nice suicide bomber would be a great party attraction..right..i wish you all the worst things that exist in our world..which has ended long time ago..propably since the year 2000..we already live in a holographic matrix illusion created thru the false believes in our collectivly manipulated heads and societies..because spirit creates reality..your brainwashed zombie brains are actually responsible for this thing would be if they would just stop thinking and existing..unless they are able to change their minds..this reality sucks, destroys, kills and is just not functioning the source field purpose for the souls to expand their dual-physical experience and to evolve/remeber their true nature as divine sovereigns and protectors of the earth and all creatures on/in it..all the distractions and oppressions are just here to make us forget those truths..which they keep from us and abuse against the whole world..since tousands of years..we have been kept in this mental slavery which lowered our vibration to the point where we have lost every connection to the source..all our naturally given abilities and independence/authority..dont you think its time to regain all of this powers and heal this world from the dark nights of our souls..definately..


Mossad&Co. - Töte zuerst:

Turkeys NATO exit & the new russia alliance:

Die Methoden dieser Kriegsführung ist die Psychosondierung (die Erforschung des Unterbewusstseins des Menschen) und die Psychokorrektion (die gezielte Beeinflussung der Psyche).
Heute werden Psycho-Technologien bei den Geheimdiensten, im diplomatischen Zuständigkeitsbereich und aktiv bei verschiedenen Staaten im Rechtsschutz eingesetzt. Tatsächlich werden die Generatoren der Niederfrequenzschwingungen und die Generatoren der zielgerichteten elektromagnetischen Strahlung verwendet, die in der Lage sind die Wahrnehmung von " Radiosound" im Kopf des Objektes zu erzeugen. Das Gehirn nimmt die Suggestion unbemerkt auf und erfüllt die Korrekturfunktion auf dem Niveau des Unterbewusstseins. Hier wird berichtet, was die Psychotronwaffe bedeutet. Es wird auch über die Geschichte der geheimen Projekte zur Steuerung und Methoden der Bewusstseinskontrolle, über den Einfluss der elektromagnetischen Strahlung auf das Blut des Menschen, über die Erschaffung von Biorobotern, über die Audiokodierung des Menschen, über die neue Waffe - akustische Kanone, über Ultraschall und Infraschall, über Mikrowellenstrahlung, über Mobilfunk und ihren Einfluss auf die Gesundheit, über die Satellitenwaffen, Psychoterrorismus und über die Verfolgungsmethoden von Menschen berichtet.

Dass die CIA eng mit dem Mossad zusammenarbeitet, ist zwar kein Geheimnis, doch dass die jüdische Mafia, oder Kosher Nostra, wie man auf englisch sagt, ein weiterer Partner in dem Bund ist, ist weniger bekannt, und noch weniger ist bekannt, wie stark die Mafia eigentlich ist.

"Imagine a body that conducts thousands of arrests and interrogations. It’s not governed by any law or constitution. Its duties aren't limited to security suspects, but exceed that to infiltrate civil life.

In the past they monitored regular mail sent to blacklisted or political activists. Shin Bet monitored their activities and spied on their personal lives. They valued personal info and used it for blackmail during interrogations. Shin Bet enjoys a complete control over the lives of Arab citizens.

Fifty-five percent of Palestinian-Israeli families live below the poverty line. These are the targets of Shin Bet recruitment. Shin Bet may use temptations or threats. They offer closing criminal files in exchange of cooperation. Such policies help control the lives of Palestinian-Israelis.

Every country needs a security service. But the question remains: How do they work? The complete immunity that Shin Bet officials enjoy prompts them to do illegal things under any law."

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