Monday 17 October 2016


The years have passed without any consequences taken by the government and other involved institutions assigned to such problems. Neither in our country nor by any other european instance. None of the crimes have been stopped, none of the criminals have been convicted or eliminated and there is no trace of most victims or witnesses that have been directly involved since day one. This indicates that the informed groups are still not interested in solving any of those cases and still have their focus on eliminating citizens who oppose this agenda. We still have enough proof and there is always our word and our side of the story which will not disappear by those stalking surveillance torture techniques executed by the mentioned crime groups and state members. Also since day one until today. Apart from all the general atrocities committed we still have this issue with the chemical weapons that have been repeatedly used in highly populated areas of zurich city. Especially around the main station. Mass-intoxication. And how the government dealt with it. I remember when i returned to the clinic after another attack and ive asked the doctors if it is possible to find traces of it and they denied. Now that ive recovered from all the traumatic terror ive been thru because of that slave trade vampire cannibal war i see very clear that there would have been enough possibilities to proove the substance used and some of them still are to that day. It seems very persistent. And i know how much blood samples and other tests have been done during that time. Not for investigative reasons as weve learned. Its all about profit and torture in those clinics. The destruction of clear thinking and intelligent people. Murderers just like the elite they serve. So we have to assume that those attacks are closely connected to the sex slave house case and still there is the fact that it did not change anything in that matter. We have to consider it to be one of the many coverup measures that have been taken by our greedy and insane government. Human experimentation could be another pleasing factor for such degenerated subjects. I guess Mr. Blattmann as swiss military chief always carries a little bit of baby poopoo in his pocket so he can smell or lick it in between his absolutely horrendous decision meetings. Surely inspired and manipulated by his american allies. He propably fucks them in their gay asses aswell. They are all gay now in the military and police or sadist abusers who like to rape unconcious or paralyzed/hypnotized victims. Necrophilus and pedophilus seem to like each other a lot. Thats where all the billions of taxes go. Fuck you you fucking fucks. I will dance the day when you have all disappeared. Propably by the creatures with which youve started joint ventures in our mountains. Right. You will pay for this and nobody else. Thats how it will be. It is already part of history. Just like you are. All of you. Especially the ones occupying our village. I want payback and i am going to have it. And so i have great plans for all of you and many surprises in all of my bags and pockets. Each one of this huge terror crimes will be solved and exposed. One after the other until none of you nazi assholes are left. This is my promise to you. Because i am still alive. But i will never be able to live alone again in this country unless i want to be killed or hijacked by such militant psychopath forces. We know that since Bäretswil. Full hell hole crap. And so im here protected by the people i live with if i like it or not and so i will use this as an advantage to have the last of your dirty secrets spread all over the world which is the only thing you deserve. Publicity about the real fucking crazy things that are happening here in this country called shitzerland or switzooland. No other words fit for something low like this. I try to live an ordinary life afterall but it will never change the fact that you torture me and many others aswell. I will not let this continue just to hide the dirt which this country represents. From bottoms to tops. Nothing left than corrupt and insane psychopaths and brain zombie citizens. Who freely enslave themselves in producing more child slaves for the system. Even if this is the last thing on earth we need and want right now but its a great excuse to not face the real world out there which is also hidden from the unsuspecting children who have been born into plain hell. You could actually sacrifice them straight away it would spare them a lot of pain and suffering in the future which none of us wants to be part of. Yeah keep doing party and watching TV that sure helps a lot. The invasion has already taken place all around us. Also in spots you would not expect it. People dont know how to see the signs but they are all over the place. They leave traces even if they are invisible most of the time. However the people are so deeply jailed in their programmed coma state of mind they cannot even cope with the "normal" and visible madness around us. The majority of the population is not be taken serious anymore. Just not. Sorry. If we keep following them we will all end up at some human butchery. Or another nazi gas chamber. If this is where you want to lead your families just keep on participating and dreaming in this illusionary horror society full of lies and dirt. Go away. Force your false and oppressive reality on someone else. I prefer animals and plants more than controlled puppets and demons. And if i remember correctly this has always been the case since ive realized what this world is. I am not using credit-/payment banking cards and all the money i get is spent on pure foods, activist artist materials, shieldings/protection and the exposure of this international terrorist networks. And i am not talking about ISIS or such. Our governments are the enemies. They are at war against the population. Installing the total enslavement. We dont use WLAN frequency weapon and no eye-phones only old models who stay at home switched off most of the time. Can be pulled into their swisscom kackahell asses. Thats all there is. My rooms are shielded with different materials to damp the EM-field resonance torture. Most electronics should be turned off anyway. Try to be as independent as possible and use the time for exposure, learning, tactics and informative art. Spiritual growth if possibe under such hostile circumstances. Id rather be dead than a slave of this insane society. Keep driving your stupid money cars until you drive with your dumb little heads into the next wall. I will pray each day and night for the rest of my life that all of you will get what you deserve. And worse. Much worse. Things could be great and much better all over this planet. Dont tell me. I know what is possible. And all you can do is oppressing the solutions to your and our problems. But hey guess what. I dont give a shit anymore. I would be happy to see it all go down. More with each day. I see the necessity in it. Its just too much. All borders have been crossed and people should not accept this. Not one single day. We are more than them. Much more. We have the power. We always had it until they stole it from us. Behind our backs. Kept us in this ignorant sleep of false and bloody luxury. Should be pulled into their asses aswell. Best twice. Just like all their perverted pricks and sick servants. Dont you know that wearing a uniform is like taking off your brain suit. If you ever had one. Brain cell 1 or 2. Maybe both. Never used i guess. And so everyone understands why money and weapons alone will never solve problems. It makes it only worse instead. Another nice example of something that is naturally regulated. Guess air worths more. Which they now want to own aswell. The insane greed for control knows no limits. And we in Switzerland always were a mekka for the sickest members of society. Maybe because they were always allowed to do whatever they want here. Just like the zionists who held their summit for world domination in basel aswell. They sure have drunken some child blood afterwards. Instead of wine. Eating the body of christ is actually really meant literally. Fuck you you old stinking fucking bastards. Why dont you die already. The world would not miss any of you. Not a second. Once you will only have the choice about how you want to die. None will be spared. Not even them. Even if they believe this in their poisoned and possessed little kacka brains. And if this is the only way to stop them we will all be glad to go down with them. Do it and destroy yourself. I am not going anywhere. Rising up will be now the opposite then. Your choice. I am done with it.


BZ is a stable white crystalline powder that is only slightly soluble in water. It is described by the U.S. Army as a “central nervous system depressant.” It can “disrupt the high integrative functions of memory, problem solving, attention, and comprehension. A relatively high dose produces toxic delirium, destroying the individual’s ability to perform any military task.”

It has been used several times over the past 40 years, most famously against the Viet Cong in the Vietnam War by the United States and against Muslims in both Bosnia and Kosovo by Yugoslavian troops. Veterans groups over the years have charged that U.S. soldiers in Vietnam were exposed to it and suffered long-term neurological effects.

BZ intake can be treated with a chemical called physostigmine, a compound that enhances levels of a substance (acetylcholine) between neurons in the brain. The drug has a history of successful treatment on patients suffering from carbon monoxide intoxication. Also called eserine, physostigmine has also been used to enhance memory in patients with Alzheimer’s disease.

BZ is a glycolate anticholinergic compound related to atropine, scopolamine, hyoscyamine, and other deliriants. Dispersal would be as an aerosolized solid (primarily for inhalation) or as agent dissolved in one or more solvents for ingestion or percutaneous absorption.

One of the anticholinergic compounds, 3-quinuclidinyl benzilate, was assigned the NATO code BZ and was weaponized at the beginning of the 1960s for possible battlefield use. BZ was invented by Hoffman-LaRoche in 1951. The company was investigating anti-spasmodic agents, similar to tropine, for treating gastrointestinal issues when the chemical was discovered. In 1959 the United States Army began to show interest in using the chemical as a chemical warfare agent. The agent was originally designated TK but when it was standardized by the U.S. Army in 1961 it was designated BZ. The agent commonly became known as "Buzz" because of this abbreviation and the effects it had on the mental state of its casualties.

The PNS effects of BZ are essentially side effects that are useful in diagnosis, but incidental to the CNS effects for which the incapacitating agents were developed. These CNS effects include a dose-dependent decrease in the level of consciousness, beginning with drowsiness and progressing through sedation to stupor and coma. The patient is often disoriented to time and place. Disturbances in judgment and insight appear. The patient may abandon socially imposed restraints and resort to vulgar and inappropriate behavior. Perceptual clues may no longer be readily interpretable, and the patient is easily distracted and may have memory loss, most notably short-term memory. In the face of these deficits, the patient still tries to make sense of his environment and will not hesitate to make up answers on the spot to questions that confuse him. Speech becomes slurred and often senseless, and loss of inflection produces a flat, monotonous voice. References become concrete and semiautomatic with colloquialisms, clichés, profanity, and perseveration. Handwriting also deteriorates. Semiautomatic behavior may also include disrobing (perhaps partly because of increased body temperature), mumbling, and phantom behaviors such as constant picking, plucking, or grasping motions ("woolgathering" or carphology).

The use of chemicals to induce altered states of mind dates to antiquity and includes the use of plants such as thornapple (Datura stramonium) that contain combinations of anticholinergic alkaloids. The use of nonlethal chemicals to render an enemy force incapable of fighting dates back to at least 600 B.C when Solon's soldiers threw hellebore roots into streams supplying water to enemy troops, who then developed diarrhea. In 184 B.C., Hannibal's army used belladonna plants to induce disorientation, and the Bishop of Muenster in A.D. 1672 attempted to use belladonna-containing grenades in an assault on the city of Groningen. In 1881, members of a railway surveying expedition crossing Tuareg territory in North Africa ate dried dates that tribesmen had apparently deliberately contaminated with Hyoscyamus falezlez. In 1908, 200 French soldiers in Hanoi became delirious and experienced hallucinations after being poisoned with a related plant. More recently, accusations of Soviet use of incapacitating agents internally and in Afghanistan were never substantiated.

Because BZ is odorless and nonirritating, and because clinical effects are not seen until after a latent period of 30 minutes to 24 hours, exposure could occur without the knowledge of casualties. No currently available field military or civilian detector is designed to disclose the presence of BZ or other anticholinergic compounds in the environment. Confirmation of the exact chemical involved in an incapacitating agent exposure would have to await laboratory analysis of environmental specimens containing the agent. The HEPA filter in the canister of the chemical protective mask prevents exposure of the face and respiratory tract to aerosolized BZ. The chemical protective ensemble protects the skin against contact with BZ or other incapacitating agents dispersed as fine solid particles or in solution. Protection against ingestion would depend upon a high index of suspicion for BZ contaminated food or drink.

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