Monday, 28 August 2017


Maybe you should clarify/clean things within your own ranks..i would call it delusional..right..


By Kerth Barker

Definition #1. To systematically analyze something.
Definition #2. To systematically dismantle something.

Definition #1. The Illuminated Ones: That is, those persons who are followers of Lucifer, who is the light-bearer. Lucifer is the fallen angel, who is rebellious against God. Symbolically, Lucifer, also known as Satan, represents the desire to rebel against the morality of mainstream society. Satanism is the organized rejection of the ethical basis of Western civilization.
Definition #2. The Illuminati is a secret society of wealthy aristocrats who use covert and criminal methods to increase their wealth and power. Amongst themselves, they justify their criminal tactics with the goal of eventually creating an all-powerful, utopian, worldwide government. This global government, however, could only come into power through the rejection of the basic values of Christianity and the loss of our innate rights and freedoms granted by God and ensured by sovereign nation-states.

The Illuminati is an organization that conceals itself behind many layers of deception. And when you tear off all the layers of deception, what you find is that the Illuminati began in Afghanistan and was founded by persons who publicly identified themselves as Muslims. However, in fact they were not really Muslims but only pretended to live according to Islamic teachings. These Illuminati members were in fact the followers of Lucifer. In other words, they were secret Satanists who pretended to be Muslims. So the ultimate authorities in Islamic territories are the Satanic members of a secret society. And this secret society is actually an ancient criminal cult.
It isn’t just Muslim nations that are subjugated to the rule of a secret society. All nations of the world are ruled over by secret societies, and most of these secret societies are Satanic to at least some degree. These secret societies are not identical to one another, but they all use the same tactics for social control. And they all publicly deny their existence so that they can act covertly.

Rule by secret society is the strategy that is used throughout the world because it is the strategy that works. You can’t fight against what you can’t see, and you can’t defend yourself if you don’t know that you’re being attacked. This why a small group of immoral men can rule over millions of clueless citizens.
This rule by secret society members exists in all nations around the world. Not all world leaders are Satanists, but many are. And anyone with any real political power does have some type of connection to a secret society. However, the most toxic of these secret societies is the one that had its origins in Afghanistan.

In the 16th century in Afghanistan, a man named Bayazid Ansari aka Per Roshan, “the illuminated master”, founded a movement called the Roshaniya and this word was defined as “the illuminated ones”. In English, the word Roshaniya is sometimes spelt in different ways, but when translated into Latin, this word is Illuminatus, which by the 16th century was pronounced Illuminati (

Some scholars have admitted that Adam Weishaupt was influenced by some historical writings about the life of Pir Roshan, but it goes far deeper than that. Persons that I have been in contact with, who have access to information not available to the general public, have shown me that, organizationally, Weishaupt could not have been acting alone. He could not have invented the complex organizational system for his Illuminati group simply by reading some books and puzzling it out by himself.

Factor #1 - The deconstruction of the Illuminati’s worldwide criminal organization will come about primarily through the spread of Gospel-based Christianity. Satanism is a disease, the Illuminati organization is a particularly virulent form of this disease, and Gospel-based Christianity is the cure for this disease.
Factor #2 - The survival of Israel as a sovereign nation state is the Rock of Zion upon which the Illuminati’s final plans for conquest will be destroyed. In ancient times Zion was the hill upon which the Jewish Temple was built. But since then, Zion has become a symbolic reference for the divine mandate that the nation of Israel will survive. Whatever doubts you may or may not have about Israel and Zionism, you should know that Israel’s survival as a nation is essential to God’s plan for destroying the Illuminati. Let me be clear on this point. I’m not saying that Israel is going to someday rule the world. But it is its destiny to become a dominant force in the Middle East. And I’m not saying that the Jewish people are God’s chosen people. All I’m saying that the state of Israel is God’s chosen weapon to destroy the Illuminati.
Factor #3 - The ascent of scientific thought brings about an understanding of the universe which will ultimately undermine the Illuminati system. This is because the Illuminati system, in order to function, requires a population of traumatized people who live in fear, ignorance and superstition. Scientific thought can help people develop the ability to reason. The ability to reason changes the mindset of the population in a way that allows for a greater freedom of thought. And this greater freedom of thought will help to bring an end to the Illuminati’s mind-control system.
Factor #4 - The general public is mind-controlled through propaganda, mass-hypnosis and direct individual brainwashing. The Illuminati is an international organization that has achieved widespread mind control. The most intense focus of their mind control system is in the Americas, the Middle East and Europe. Many otherwise intelligent people have been lulled into a persistent state of hypnotic delusion. However, even people who have been programmed with trauma-based mind control can be deprogrammed. It is possible for those who are in a hypnotic trance to awaken from it. Over the years, more and more people, including myself, have escaped from the prison of Illuminati mind control. And now, many awakened persons are organizing themselves to help in the massive deprogramming of the public. In the near future, there will be a widespread deprograming of the brainwashed public, and this will lead to noncooperation with the Illuminati system.

Everyone in this culture has been programmed by the Illuminati to at least some extent. This has been accomplished through mass media such as television, movies and the Internet. This repetitive indoctrination is reinforced with a culture that encourages altered states of consciousness. These altered states are imposed upon the widespread population with street drugs, psychiatric drugs, fluoride poisoning and an environment of toxic electronic fields. Avoiding the mass media and detoxifying your life are the first steps to deprogramming yourself. Learning to deprogram yourself and others is essential to deconstructing the Illuminati system.

The ultimate goal of deprogramming is to make visible that which once was invisible. You have been blinded by programming, and you must learn to see again. When you learn to see the once-invisible Illuminati capstone, then you have awakened from the trance. The Illuminati maintains power through widespread mind control, political corruption and economic oppression. But the number of anti-Illuminati groups, both covert and publicly known, has grown over the years. I have been in communication with some of the leaders of these covert anti-Illuminati groups, and I can tell you this with confidence: a widespread and deliberate noncooperation with the Illuminati’s control system will take place in the near future.
This noncooperation will come about as the general population becomes more aware of how the Illuminati operates. And this noncooperation with the Illuminati’s control system will result in the systematic deconstruction of the Illuminati’s worldwide Satanic movement.

This deconstruction of the Illuminati, for the most part, will be non-violent and orderly. It will not happen all at once. Those world leaders who help facilitate this deconstruction are likely to retain their wealth and some of their power. On the other hand, those world leaders who oppose this orderly deconstruction are likely to become disempowered in every way. This deconstruction has already begun and may take another forty years or longer to complete. This deconstruction will be accompanied by the reconstruction and advancement of Western civilization, so this deconstruction of the Illuminati is actually a creative act. What is going to take place over the next four decades or so is the final evolution of Western civilization as an international cultural system.

Islamic attacks on Christians and Jews are nothing new. The Islamic expansion began approximately 1400 years ago and in the early days of the Islamic conquests, widespread slaughter of innocent Christians and Jews occurred on a massive scale. Therefore, any Christian or Jew living in Islamic-conquered territories would have to become a protected person, a dhimmi, in order to be spared execution. On a regular basis, the dhimmi would bow down before his Muslim protector and pay a heavy tax. Then the dhimmi would be given an emblem or necklace to show that he was under the protection of a Muslim. And because of this, the other Muslims would restrain themselves from killing him even though he was a kafir, a non-Muslim.
It’s worth pointing out where the so called Star of David symbol actually comes from. It has nothing to do with King David. And it was not associated with the Jewish religion until the Islamic practice of dhimmi taxation and servitude began. The six-pointed star was an emblem put on the clothing of a Jewish dhimmi to demonstrate his status of servitude and loyalty to Muslims.

Visualize European and American society as a pyramid. At the bottom of the pyramid are Christians and ordinary Jews. At the next higher level are the mostly-Jewish bankers and they seem to be the overlords. But there is an invisible capstone above them that even the most paranoid conspiracy theorists have been failing to see. And that invisible capstone is the Medina-based Illuminati.

The elite Illuminati members who comprise the invisible capstone of the Illuminati pyramid are not Jews, but rather Satanists who pretend to be Muslims. But you must also understand that there are Jews, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, Freemasons and even atheists who are servants to the invisible Illuminati capstone. I can tell you that the Illuminati operates on the basis of invisibility, which is their key to survival and success. Those members who are the most invisible are also the most powerful. Therefore, it is probable that those Illuminati members whose names you have heard of are not actually at the top of the Illuminati pyramid.

The symbol for the Masons is a square and compasses with the capital letter “G” at the center. Ordinary Masons are told that the “G” stands for God or the Great architect. However, the highranking Masons know that the “G” stands for Gadreel, who was the fallen angel in the Book of Enoch who seduced Eve in the Garden of Eden. In other words, Gadreel is another name for Satan. And the highest-ranking Masons deceive the lower-ranking Masons about the “G” because at the highest level of the Masonic order is a hidden Satanic cult.

Furthermore, although all religions and non-religious philosophies do present moral guidelines, the moral guidelines for society as presented in the Gospels are more authoritative than the moral guidelines presented by any other philosophy. And these clear moral guidelines are the ones that make a truly viable civilization possible.
But some people do not wish to submit themselves to the wisdom of God’s will, and they reject God’s guidance and help.
Illuminati leaders practice occultism in an attempt to bypass God’s power. Occultism is made up of secret psychic practices used by people who believe in Satan or Lucifer. With occult practices, a Satanist can understand how to achieve great wealth. And their great worldly power has come about because of this occultism. Such occult practices, when expertly performed, can lead to the ability to manipulate weak-willed people.

The reason that ordinary Jews, Muslims and Masons can be deceived is because their Illuminati leaders practice occultism. It is only due to these occult powers that such leaders can deceive and manipulate their followers.
But you should not be impressed by the power of Satanic occultists. Lucifer only has power because God the Father allows it. And although Lucifer is in rebellion against God, his rebellion will ultimately serve God’s plans.

The word Lucifer means the light-bearer. Lucifer is another name for Satan. And the word Satan means the adversary. Although some philosophers would distinguish a difference between these two titles of Lucifer and Satan, in this particular document they are interchangeable. Lucifer is the seductive aspect of evil and Satan is the terrifying aspect of evil. But they are just two different names for the personification of evil.

This cultural system could be thought of as a cultural matrix, paradigm or pattern. This is an economic, political and military system that uses religious indoctrination to control the minds of its people. This cultural system of social control was born in ancient Babylon, and it has incarnated itself into various subsequent empires which have been in control the middle east. This cultural system is more than just a single kingdom or nation state. It is the exploitive system that has been inherited, in a sequential manner, by a succession of nation states. And the character of Lucifer can be thought of as a way of symbolizing this exploitive cultural system.

This Luciferian cultural matrix of exploitation has certain characteristics. It is ruled by a dictator or king, who in a sense becomes the living manifestation of Lucifer. All of the political power is at the top. It is a hierarchy rather than a democracy. It terrorizes its citizens by practicing torture and public executions. It practices slavery in various forms. It tends to encourage cruelty toward women and children. It uses unfair taxes or demands to be paid harsh tributes. It takes power and exercises power through military violence. It kills or punishes those citizens who try to reform society. It uses dogmatic religion as a form of social indoctrination and mind control. This dogmatic religious system is enforced through threats of violence. And this dogmatic religious system serves the aristocratic leaders of society. This Luciferian cultural matrix has a generational aristocracy whose members tend to inherit power and wealth rather than to earn it. Most of the wealth of society is in the hands of this small group of aristocrats. Those who do most of the labor are kept in poverty and have no real representation in the government. It deceives its people with false religious doctrine, propaganda, misinformation and by withholding knowledge. It teaches its people a false history that keeps them from knowing that freedom is possible. It seeks constantly to expand its empire by invasion and conquest. It dehumanizes its citizens and is destructive to the natural world.

So Lucifer is a symbol for the collective consciousness of the Illuminati leaders. And they wish destroy all that is good about Western civilization so they can replace it with a regressive civilization that is based on their insane greed and selfishness. Therefore the best way to defeat Lucifer is to promote those progressive cultural trends which have proven themselves essential to modern Western civilization. These would be human rights, democracy, scientific advancement, public education, freedom of speech, freedom of philosophical beliefs, economic fairness and justice for all. And all of these progressive trends can only be built on a solid moral foundation that comes from the study of the Gospels. In this way we can deconstruct the Illuminati.

MK Ultra´s real purpose was to take traditional Satanism and turn it into a scientific method. So it´s really the science of Satanic Ritual Abuse. This is trauma-based mind control. A person is traumatized with torture, drugs and sensory deprivation to the point of becoming disassociated. The victim disconnects from his or her natural personality and develops a new one. It´s as if the person has become possessed by a demon. And one might argue that demon possession is what´s really going on. This new personality is controlled by the programmer. So persons can be brainwashed into doing things which go against their natural values.

As bad as the Nazis are, the Satanists are much worse. The Nazis want to kill all Blacks and all Jewish persons. But the Satanist want to kill everyone. The Satanists don´t just hate one or two groups of people, they hate God and all of humanity. The ultimate goal of High Adept Satanism is create an apocalypse which leaves behind only the dehumanized Satanists and their dehumanized slaves. Not all Satanists understand the ultimate plans of the most powerful High Adept Satanists. They are "trans-humanists", they want to eliminate humanity, replacing it with some new species, and they want to destroy the natural environment through massive geoengineering.

Wether we realize it or not, everybody in our present day culture has been subjected to thought-control technology. The experience of contemporary hospital birth is traumatic for many infants and mothers, and it has been designed to be that way. Circumcision is intentionally traumatic to infant boys. The educational system has been designed to be emotionally traumatic to the students. And there are many other ways that ordinary persons are traumatized by life. And much of this trauma is intentional. It has been engineered by those in power. The mass media propaganda and the entertainment business with its dark agenda are all part of a mind-control matrix. In a sense, the entire world culture has been subjected to Illuminati mind control.

The reality of mind control used to brainwash someone into sex work can be brutal. There is nothing glamorous about it. Tabloids and Hollywood movies may tease the public with the idea that mind controlled sex workers are enjoying themselves. But the actuality of this phenomenon is tragic.

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