Friday 16 September 2016


Sounds like a multi-level disease with high impact on the human it located and isolated..under quarantine..not yet..ive heard that aliens react differently to diseases from earth..especially those from the sterile clinical undergrounds..they seem also sensible to sunlight or daylight in general..thats why many of those wear sunglasses most of the time..right..i got used to those influenzias as i have them every year a few times..wonder why..yeah hell is real and people will have to face that fact unless they want to be cheated and manipulated by those hiding from us in plain sight..under our very feet..avoiding direct confrontation thru mass-therapy with nerve gas and taking antilirium7 for self-protection..they have not been affected by this chemical weapon..which has its origins in the swiss pharma industry..the source is evident..its poison, its illegal and it did not make this country a better place..none of it..telling the population the truth and have them fighting against the oppressors might have been a better solution but that doesnt fit into their own plans of total keep on lying to yourself about who is innocent and who´s not..ive heard them talking about this..they obviously believe every shit they are told..seem to have taken enough of that drug themselves..ive been exposed more than once and had high dosages of that substance and it confirms all the effects mentioned in the reports about BZ..difficult to separate "friends/enemies" (do they really know the difference?) in highly populated areas like cities (occupied zurich mainstation under attack)..casualties should not be taken for granted and thats why the use of such nerve agents (same group as LSD) here in western europe on such a large scale is an absolutely no go..thx for poisoning us..CIAs and mossads OUT! their supporters too! and those who abuse common/unaware citizens as defence shields or weapons aswell! ASSHOLES, WAR-CRIMINALS, TRAITORS, ABUSERS/RAPISTS, MURDERERS AND SURVEILLANCE JUNKIES OUT!!! all of you are less than dirt and i do not support any of those groups..they are all the same fucked up servants of some shady and destructive system..set against each other so a secret and faceless third party can profit..the ones who do not see that thru and keep playing their war-games are part of this global mass-mess and more than guilty..non-participation is the only way to weaken their maneuvers and tactics..bringing down their psychotic structures..farming/treating humans like sheeps/pigs..non-lethality and no long-term damage does not justify such an war-act either..there is a reason why this chemical weapon is listed and internationally prohibited..just to be sure there is no misunderstanding..seems to be the next stage of their mass-control-agenda..the chemtrail air, tabwater contamination and EM-radiation seems not enough anymore..right..or are we in syria now..someone should tell the refugees..the only reason our houses are not bombed down yet is because they still profit from our society..thats why they keep us body and mind..mere slaves of a fucking fake-freak-show..until we rebel and then we propably face all the same destiny like those fleeing from abroad..we should update that list on wikipedia..switzerland must be labeled as war-criminal, pedophile supporter and extensive human experimenting lab..their illitarian accomplices can easily be verified by the notorious symbolic communication skills woven into every logo and architecture decoration..and other pseudo-proud actions/monuments of their secret swiss sub-hell monarchy-sect..the swiss flag is one of them..a clear sign of their connection to the satanic hore church of babylon in rome..a country fully controlled and brainwashed by the occult catholic doctrine...obeying mysterious kings and demonic gods no one wants to know about..we should not follow any leaders than our own hearts..and so i am building my own compost toilet now..another step into a more independent state of being..its very important that people deal with their own "exkremities"..their impact on nature..closing the circle of life..a precious material when used in a proper way..rather than flush it down with drinking all starts and ends with the kacka..right..i dont want to be used by others with less light to cast down some demons..because thats what they do with us..i know it and they do this will not happen anymore either..even if i shit on them as an allies with such filth..and i will sure not continue to pay that price with my life for a country/society that couldnt care less..should solve your own problems..what do i care..and no one will profit from the further organic light shit i am producing..the source is mine and will only aid to furtilize plants and trees in the near future..


"If you're afraid of dying, and you're holdin' on, you'll see devils tearin' your life away. But if you've made your peace, then the devils are really angels, freein' you from the world. It all depends on how you look at it."

Die durchschnittliche Wirkungsdauer beträgt 3 Tage. Es ist aber bis zu 6 Wochen lang ein Rückfall einzelner Symptome möglich. Von betroffenen Soldaten wurde berichtet, dass es in Einzelfällen zu dauerhaften Wesensänderungen kam.

Für die militärische Bedeutung ist entscheidend:
- Die Ausbringung als Aerosol.
- Die Betroffenen sind recht schnell kampf- und handlungsunfähig (Wirkungseintritt nach etwa 1 Stunde).
- Die Wirkung hält mindestens 3 Tage an.
- Die Betroffenen können sich nach Genesung nur an die Zeit vor der Kontaminierung erinnern (Amnesie).
- Nur in seltenen Fällen bleiben dauerhafte Schädigungen zurück.

BZ was first synthesized as a possible ulcer remedy in 1952 by Hoffman-LaRoche. The US Army began exploring BZ in 1960 for its possible use as an incapacitating agent. Over the next several years, hundreds of experiements were conducted at Edgewood Arsenal on human volunteers exploring BZ's pharmacology. In 1965, Edgewood conducted experiments on volunteers recruited from Holmesburg Prison. BZ was stockpiled in large quantities until the late 1960s, when it was concluded that it was not appropriate for operational use. In 1993, the Chemical Weapons Convention listed BZ as a Schedule 2 controlled chemical.

Subjects alternate between delirium and slumber, experiencing hallucinations similar in character to those produced by datura and belladonna. During periods of wakefulness, subjects are deeply disoriented and often immersed in fugue-like waking dreams. Frank hallucinations are common and are taken in stride by subjects, who typically accept the logic of the bizarre worlds in which they find themselves. If asked for explanations of their bizarre behavior, subjects will frequently give answers that are perfectly logical, assuming that one truly is being harassed by a 4-foot long rabbit.

Physical symptoms also occur, such as dryness of mouth, pupilary dilation, loss of coordination, a feeling of weakness, and blockade of sweat glands.
Onset #
Symptoms become apparent at around one hour, and grow steadily for about 3 more hours. Most subjects enter a stuporous slumber by the fourth hour.
Duration #
BZ primary effects typically last from 60-70 hours.

Incapacitating agents are usually defined as chemical agents that produce reversible disturbances in the central nervous system that disrupt cognitive ability. The former military agent BZ (now used in pharmacology where it is known as QNB) is a cholinergic blocking compound and produces many effects similar to those of atropine, such as mydriasis, drying of secretions, heart rate changes, and decreased intestinal motility. BZ, after an onset time of an hour or more, will--like high doses of atropine--produce confusion, disorientation, and disturbances in perception (delusions, hallucinations) and expressive function (slurred speech). The antidote, physostigmine (Antilirium7), reverses these effects for about an hour, and because the effects of BZ last for hours to days repeated doses must be given.

The 750-pound (340 kg) M43 BZ cluster bomb had a 16-inch (41 cm) diameter and a 66-inch (170 cm) length. This cluster bomb was designed to hold three stacks of 19 M138 bomblets. The bomblets each held about 6 ounces (170 g) of the incapacitating agent BZ, also known as 3-Quinuclidinyl benzilate. The M43 was meant to be delivered from a subsonic aircraft and used a standard cluster adapter which would have tail fairing added to adapt it for high speeds. The M43 cluster bomb was intended to cover an area of about 0.11 to 0.88 ha (0.27 to 2.17 acres) with BZ agent, which made it useful for attacking a squad or company sized element. A weapon such as the M43 would have been best used against hard, high-value intelligence targets, in hostage or prisoner rescue situations, or in any other situation where friendly forces and enemy forces occupied the same area.

If the M43 had been used in open terrain under neutral atmospheric stability it could have potentially incapacitated about 94% of the target with a fatality rate no greater than 2%. This would have been for a delayed (3 to 6 hour onset) and relatively long-term (1 to 5 days) neutralization.

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