An army of principles will penetrate where an army of soldiers cannot. For such is the irresistible nature of truth that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing. - Thomas Paine, Common Sense

By Eleanor White
Psychological warfare is the coordination and use of all means, including moral and physical, by which the end is attained - other than those of recognized military operations, but including the psychological exploitation of the result of those recognized military actions - which tend to destroy the will of the enemy to achieve victory and to damage his political or economic capacity to do so; which tend to deprive the enemy of the support, assistance, or sympathy of his allies or associates or of neutrals, or to prevent his acquisition of such support, assistance, or sympathy; or which tend to create, maintain, or increase the will to victory of our own people and allies and to acquire, maintain, or to increase the support, assistance, and sympathy of neutrals.
The mind-altering mechanism is based on a subliminal carrier technology: the Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (SSSS), sometimes called "S-quad" or "Squad". It was developed by Dr Oliver Lowery of Norcross, Georgia, and is described in US Patent #5,159,703, "Silent Subliminal Presentation System", dated October 27, 1992.
There appear to be two methods of delivery with the system. One is direct microwave induction into the brain of the subject, limited to short-range operations. The other, as described above, utilises ordinary radio and television carrier frequencies. Far from necessarily being used as a weapon against a person, the system does have limitless positive applications. However, the fact that the sounds are subliminal makes them virtually undetectable and possibly dangerous to the general public.
In a medical context, these systems can be used to great advantage to treat psychiatric and psychosomatic problems. As a system for remediating the profoundly deaf, it is unequalled. (Promises, promises. This is the most common positive use touted for this technology over the past 30 years. But the deaf are still deaf, and the military now has a weapon to use on unsuspecting people with perfectly normal hearing.)
The secrecy involved in the development of the electromagnetic mind-altering technology reflects the tremendous power that is inherent in it. To put it bluntly, whoever controls this technology can control the minds of men-all men.
A weapon that can be used in secret lends itself to abuse by unethical individuals in positions of power. The military and secret services have shown themselves often to be lacking in ethical constraints. After all, the job of the military is war; it is killing people; and so, just how this is accomplished may be considered irrelevant. Lesser evils, like mind control, pale by comparison. Of course, it can be argued that it is far more humane to brainwash a person via mind control technology than it is to torture or kill them. Others vehemently deny this. They'd rather be dead than a mental slave to Big Brother! That is what revolutions are about.
- pulsed microwave (i.e. like radar signals)
- ultrasound and voice-FM (transmitted through the air)
While transmission of speech, dating from the early 1970s, was the first use of pulsed microwave, neuro-effective signals of as yet unknown type can now cause many other nerve groups to become remotely actuated. At time of writing, that technology appears to be classified.
Using a combination of Joseph Sharp voice to skull and Lowery Silent Sound technologies, these triggers can now be planted with the subject being unaware, or just barely aware of a very high tone in his or her hearing sense.
So-called "millimeter wave" scanning. This method uses the very top end of the microwave radio signal spectrum just below slightly into the infra-red frequency region. To view small objects or people clearly, the highest frequency that will penetrate non-conductive or poorly- conductive walls is
used. Millimeter wave scanning radar can be used in two modes:
- passive (no signal radiated, uses background radiation already in the area to be scanned, totally UNdetectable)
- active (low power millimeter wave "flashlight" attached to the scanner just as a conventional light mounted on a camcorder), or, the use of archaeological ground penetrating radar
Thought reading can be classed as a "through wall surveillance" technology. Thought reading, in the unclassified/commercial realm, can be broken down as follows:
- magnetic skull-proximity or throat (vocal cord proximity) reading
- EEG (electroencephalogram) interpretation, particularly by way of inside the brain pickup wires
The ability to read and display what the eyes are seeing using implanted pickups is one form of technology almost the same as "thought reading".
The reverse of biofeedback. Those low frequency electrical brain rhythms which are characteristics of various moods and states of sleep can not only be read out using biofeedback equipment or EEG machines, but using radio, sound, contact electrodes, or flashing lights, the moods and sleep states can be generated or at least encouraged using brain entrainment devices. Brain entrainment signals cannot carry voice, which is a much higher frequency range. Brain entrainment can, however, be used to "set up" a target to make him/her more susceptible to hypnosis by inducing a relaxed and/or sleeping state. (This is the same state used by remote viewers.)
These major technology classes can produce some of the observed electronic harassment effects, FROM HIDING AND UNDETECTABLY, with the exception of remote physical manipulation.
IMPLANTATION is sometimes used to assist the above technologies but with current devices. Implants do not appear to be required, based on large numbers of people who have had no surgery, no
unexplained wounds, and no missing time.
One method for projecting either audible voice or voice-FM over long distances, virtually undectable if line of sight, is the "acoustic heterodyne" or "HyperSonic Sound" system, patented by American Technologies Corporation, San Diego CA, http://www.atcsd.com
If the subject is illuminated by a separate source of millimeter wave signals, it is an "active" scanner. Since passive systems can penetrate clothing and non-conductive walls UNDETECTABLY, it is obvious that with just a small millimeter wave "flashlight", non-conductive walls can be scanned through and still very little detectable signal is present. Millimeter wave through-clothing, through-luggage is currently in use at airports, but can be a powerful tool for stalking gangs wishing to harass a target at home.
The easiest "thought" reading is actually remote picking up of the electromagnetic activity of the speech-control muscles in the vocal cords. When we "say words to ourselves, silently", or, read a book, we can actually FEEL the slight sensations of those words in our vocal muscles - all that is absent is the passage of air. Coordinated speech signals are relatively strong and relatively consistent. The other kind of "thought reading", i.e. "MINING" someone's brain for information from a distance is SPECULATIVE. We targetted individuals have no way to verify that is happening, however, we do know that we are "fed" hypnotic signals to force consistent "neutral" content (but of different
character than prior to becoming test subjects,) DREAMS. These forced, neutral content ("bland" content) dreams occur every single night and may represent the harassers' (or experimenters') efforts to have our experiences portray themselves in such dreams, in effect, MINING our experiences. Again, this is SPECULATION, but it seems very logical.
The Emory implants go much further. They consist of two hollow glass cones, each the size of a ballpoint pen tip, placed into the brain's motor cortex, which controls body movements. The cones are covered in chemicals that encourage nerve growth, extracted from the patient's knees. Once installed, nerve cells grow into the cones and attach themselves to tiny electrodes inside.
The location of each cone is determined by monitoring the patient's brain using scanners and identifying the most active regions. Once the cones are in place and surrounded by nerve cells, the patient is asked to think about moving some part of the body, and signals from the electrodes are picked up by a small transmitter-receiver, amplified, and used to control a computer. Depending upon which nerves grow into the cones, each patient may have to think about moving a different part of the body to achieve the same effect.
The British Telecom laboratories near Ipswich have also done research into implantable chips, including a possible memory chip which would take data from the eye and store it for a computer. "There is a raft of wonderful benefits to bringing chips and circuits inside human beings," said Dr Peter Cochrane, head of research.
The BBC report states that "the [brain] implant becomes naturally 'wired' into the patient's brain as neurones grow into the cones and attach themselves to the electrodes mounted inside," and that "An FM transmitter under the scalp transmits the signal without wires, and...no batteries," to operate the cursor on a computer... hard to believe!
The reason it is of interest to involuntary neuro-electromagnetic experimentees (military and intelligence) is that development programmes like this one show that both the WILL and the MEANS to track someone's bodily functions by radio EXIST, and exist RIGHT NOW.
People seeking to discredit us will say that such technology could not possibly be in use now, or in some cases, even exist. Keeping in mind the typical 20-year spread between classified and unclassified technology, as demonstrated by the SR-71 reconnaissance aircraft, it is clear that classified military and intelligence programmes have highly advanced methods of tracking a target's body functions.
"But neuroscience also poses potential risks", he said, arguing that advances in cerebral imaging make the scope for invasion of privacy immense. Although the equipment needed is still highly specialized, it will become commonplace and capable of being used at a distance, he predicted. That will open the way for abuses such as invasion of personal liberty, control of behaviour and brainwashing. These are far from being science-fiction concerns, said Changeux, and constitute "a serious risk to society".
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