Wednesday, 31 October 2018


We found the perfect solution for everyone who still thinks its ok to torture and imprison humans and other creatures in invisible/secret jails and fry them with microwaves in their rooms/beds: THE MULTI-FUNCTIONAL EM-COFFIN.CRATE..comes with different programs and frequency spectrums..from simple fixation for out of control astral terror-creatures (which do not fit into normal sleep coffins - only used for smaller high risk-creatures) grilling hoggish and greedy reptiloids..of course only with 50G..comes out darker than kill is better than slow kill..less pain and suffering..almost like wind and rain..smells like a trap..who knows..but i clearly recommend diarrhea coke and poisoned apples for long people dont care about real truth, lasting peace and the coming future things will just get worse for everyone..with each day of ignorance, deceiving and lying..united you stand - divided you fall..


Definition of still active high risk creatures: Reduce oxygen/energy level of humans at least 50% (causes organ failure/brain damage), enter/fly/attack/kill thru walls even from close distance, do not behave/listen at all, highly deceptive/hypnotic/manipulative, mostly female from not so positive heaven groups - no protection possible - should be treated with 0 tolerance -  just like other creatures/humans/countries who allow this to happen since days/weeks/months/years

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