Thursday, 2 November 2017


Lets define some characteristics of those mysterious drone/robot-like entities made in the secret fascist swiss underground..consist of biological and technological features..operate in different frequency spectrums and therefore sometimes appear to be invisible within their physicality - walk through walls and imperceptibly put/move devices in rooms or the body unless you protect/shield it with special decorations, accessoires and clothings..most likely deployed against unaware and defenseless victims (especially in jail cells and other crime related circumstances)..used by "insiders" for constructing, sexual favours (technophiles), food, surveillance, torture, psyops, mass-control, murder and terrorism..high suggestibility..their size is about 2 feet..the next generation of alleged "non-lethal" weaponry invented by incarnated territory must be declared contaminated (also by some genetically modified/engineered/bred humanoid hybrid race - humans abusing alien-technology) and a serious threat to other nations unless those "projects" have been permanently shut down and brought under control..which does not mean to covertly commit war-crimes en masse (deactivation vs. extermination)..maximum infiltration and corruption of government officials and armed authorities is aware of the cyorc.swissmess-clones..confidentiality ends with public exposure..and demands effective and reasonable solutions..

Meanwhile swiss army staff conducts drone tests in Israel's occupied war-zones..they propably recommended the use of BZ within our own certain Mossad agents seem to control various areas and people in and around to the CIA located in Bern and Geneva..another source of those "atrocities"..and didnt Kim Jong Un (North Korean nuke-head) study in Switzerland too..seem to have failed in preserving global peace more than once..rather protecting the roman-pagan gay-mafia at the "radiating" Vatican city..very neutral to say the least..not enough that they hide dirty money on swiss banks (including currency manipulations) and sell weapons to every rogue-state in the world..they also openly support pedophiles and cannibals..neutral in laws, ethics and conscience..almost like the brand-new "Peegnocchio-3000"..


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