Are you helping with a modern hidden community based organized high tech crime without acknowledgement?
It's an extreme crime against humanity covered for over half century by now, handled and operated by not limited to corrupted current and retired special background military persons, secret agents, police, security guards, private detectives, and hatred groups.
Organized Gang/Group stalking is the first stage of this advanced technogy and science, community no-touch organized crime. It's the preparation stage, also the psychological torture part. It starts from a severe defamation (rumours spread in communities and workplaces, someone with certain identity comes to your workplace to make your manager to start a workplace mobbing) to the victim of 'being dangerous' or 'being mental' by some security professionals and/or medical professionals. The purpose of this 24/7 physical and cyber stalking is to isolate and discredit the victim completely. The criminals track down and destroy all the social and work connections of the victim to highly isolate the victim, so that there is no way for the victim to get any help or find any way to make a living. Gaslighting, street theatre, obvious short distance following and watching to add fear and stress, language harassment to provoke the victim emotionally to do something wrong, put horrible things on the way or home such as dead animal bodies, to create fear, ideally to break down the nerves of the victim, to induce suicide. At the same time, manoeuvre the victim's family to get mental or psychological medical treatment (they desperately need this to conceal their real crime later, this is the crucial part anybody with a family needs to know of this, so won't be fooled to harm your loved ones simply because your love is used by the criminals). So that there is no possibility left for the victim to leak any information of what is being and much worse will be, done to them; or even they do nobody will believe them.
All this is to prepare the victim for further torture and eventually force the victim into suicide or other forms of 'accidental' or sickness or sudden death, without getting any attention from anybody or any society because the people around are psychologically prepared to this and think it's natural and sure thing to happen. This way, the criminals can conceal their crime and avoid legal prosecution.
Electronic Torture-to-kill is the second stage of this extreme crime, with the stalking goes on. After certain time of the en masse stalking, the victims are put into an invisible jail walled by hundreds to thousands of stalkers. The victims have completely lost all the contacts, lost freedom, some weaker ones are over stressed and depressed. The electronic torture starts, along with some bio/chemical poison and/or drugs. Lots of female were sexually abused after their food or drink at home or hotel room were drugged. The perpetuators surround the victim 24/7 wherever he/her goes, equipped inside and around the victim's living quarter with electromagnetic weaponry, shooting at the victim electronic beam of ELF (extreme low frequency)/EHF (extreme high frequency) /LASER/MASER/NANOPARTICAL/Neutron/microwave weapons and acoustic weapons, which will cause non stop pain in anywhere it hits. Constant attacks of burning and heating by these electronic weapons could cause leukemia, deaf, cancer or sudden organ failure over the time. The weaponry they are using on these victims are already classified as Less Lethal in Europe because although it doesn't cause death instantly but will over the time. But in North America, these weapons are kept top classified secret, and in order to make it possible to use secretly, they are called very forgivingly 'non-lethal weapon', which is a big lie.
Starting from a defamation is to fool and maneuver the mass public to get involved in the en masse stalking. Because to put someone under a 24/7 surveillance wherever and whenever, they need help from the community and public. So they manipulate the people to torture and to kill other people. Fooling and maneuvering common mass citizens into this stalking crime is the dirtiest part of this crime.
The project is carried on by corrupted local and/or foreign current or retired security and medical professionals, for example but not limited to, military persons, security persons, agencies or private firms, who had/has the chance to be exposed to relative secret classified technologies and now utilizing them to form a long term murder scheme and network for profit, the ill will and purpose behind this has no difference from any other murder except the technologies are unknown and unreachable to the public. All the perpetuators are on a central dispatch system which is done through their cellphones so the hidden faces handlers of the project know every second where the victim is, which direction he/she is heading to, what the victim is doing and with whom, so they can position their guys and weapons. Some are called sleeping cells. They maybe shopping with families in that area before they got order to watch or follow someone, or get ready their weapon to harm the target. Some families including young kids are involved in the stalking and electronic torture as well.
Many victims are forced to insane, killed or suicide before being able to figure out what's going on to their life. After all, who has any knowledge of classified technologies? But who can possibly deny the very existence of such secrets? These victims are normal citizens just like you, not politically or religiously involved in any thing. And once one is flagged as a target of this secret program, that is to say, becomes a chipped serial numbered subject on a list in some secret database, there is no end of it until the victim is cornered or tortured to death.
Because the electromagnetic field and radio signals are invisible, inaudible and odourless, these victims are tortured severely like in a invisible modern Auschwitz right in front of you and you won't feel anything like what and how they feel, because the electronic beam is of a diameter of less then 1 centimetre. Due to the development of relative bio and electronic technologies, It's much worse than NAZI, much shocking than what Snowden has exposed.
Thanks for the more and more public use of cellphones, WiFi, microwave and other electronic stuff, people finally start to understand the harmful health effects of these things even within FCC regulations; some people may also have some knowledge of laser/microwave weapons. Time is coming! An unprecedented, beyond any justice mind could possibly imagine, most cruel, evil, extreme crime against humanity are being revealed every second from all over the world. What and how some humans do to other humans, will carve the biggest mark of shame in the entire human history.
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