Wednesday 1 March 2017


IF any of the many readers have connections to functioning governments, courts or investigative resources please forward the informations about this case asap to their desks--as our survival depends on it..we have extremely sick and dangerous terrorists in power here and desperately need support and protection from our out of control state body and involved criminals..mainly from the freemason-brotherhood which is nothing else than an occult-radical-extremist organized crime group heavily involved in human trafficking, murder and many other illegal and unethical acts..they have continuously proven their terroristic tendencies and the inability to counteract those crimes and prosecute the perpetrators..we can confirm that the swiss government is corrupted up to the highest levels and still tries to cover up all those horrific incidents..the reported soldiers group KOORD ABSCH 42 SG (most likely vegan nazis), their zurich police psychopaths (schutz&rettung=bedrohung&entführung) and the rest of this secret swiss nonsense filthers full of shit..are still trying to make this all please..


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