Tuesday 11 October 2016


The swiss satanic/reptilian nazi-pedophile-gangs protected, supported and covered by european (un-)freemasons, other citizens (especially young people and migrants, disabled nerds and old cripples - human/zombie ressources for waste or digest), the swiss police and military (national and local, secret service, national security, industrial complex), the justice departements, the swiss government located in Bern (Bundesrat komplett), foreign agents from the U.S., Israel and the UK, the swiss national bank and other related private financiers/bloodsuckers, extraterrestrial/demonic entities and their fabricated clones and hybrid offsprings which are obviously worshipped by the previously mentioned groups who are apparently completly obssessed and controlled by those forces (not to be taken serious anymore)..insane criminals within a corrupt system slowly falling apart..nothing will change that..neither your group stalking, hostile surveillance, frequency torture nor other denials and tactics against the truth..this area can be declared as extremly occupied by the groups mentioned above..high density of criminal and sick state servants..angry because their ugly bordellos have been exposed where they torture and abuse involuntary/hypnotized/paralyzed victims en masse..only the police seems absent as always when real crimes happen in this country..or because they commit crimes themselves..thats all whats left of this country called switzerland..once known for its neutrality and swiss chocolate mountains with the nuclear time watches..right..might be remembered in one or the other form..but not in a good way..yeah the nazis have never left and they have established another tyranny within this swiss money hell which trades with weapons, drugs and humans like the big ones..their american friends for example..we should hang them in front of their embassies..especially those cheap arab asyluminatis and other serbs and albanian criminals helping them (5.- per day or what..could it be cheaper..rather pay the leasings on your borrowed cars you sons of bitches)..and other involved german nazi subjects..everyone who does not face straight war in their own countries should go back home to their lands..especially if they dont have children..we have enough of our own thugs to take care of..fuck off then or be burried under our earth..what patriots..they only follow the money their god..right..religions and race what a joke indeed..i guess it wasnt the plan to release me from financial and job pressure in forcing me into the psychological disbabled corner..the only reason for this is to hurt my credibility..but the evidence speaks for itself..no matter what your paid liars and criminals tell..they cannot be taken serious either..their faces turn darker with each lie and each day..and so i am having all the time in the world to plan your fall..await your destruction..over so many paths that you will never be able to control or stop it again..dont you know that creativity gives you unlimited opportunities to create our own reality..youve seen how far we came in this already..but we can continue in this way unless you cant change your agendas..cant come around within your own created hell system..why are you still here anyway..i dont have weapons, nor bombs, nor have i done anything else illegal..another proof of your complete insanity and complicity with the worst criminals of europe..switzerland is the shit in the middle of this mess..together with their roman vaticani friends..if anyone out there needs to do some illegal weapons tests please be welcome to execute them within our mountain regions..especially around säntis, titlis and pilatus..undergound base zones..if they fail you can use other mountains aswell as most of them seem occupied already..we need something that pulverizes the whole mountain tops..just like you did with the twin towers on 911..maybe such an airplane would be enough..true enough that terrorist might read/use internet too..any other suggestions on where to attack..i recommend mass-amok or mass-suicide..i dont care as i have to pay the price anyway...for me it doesnt change a thing..no submission to war-criminals, psychopaths and other degenerated human/non-human materials..brainwashed stateslaves seem to be the most dangerous thing in this country now..completly robbed of their identity, self-control and integrity..mere bio-robots..who else would serve such satanic assholes than totally manipulated zombies..no one..the majority of our population are victims of those tactical weapons for mass-mind-control which are heavily used on us..especially in the past years in connection with the previously described chemicals (3-Quinuclidinyl benzilate) and EM-frequencies..switzerland must be sanctioned or invaded by other nations..and labeled as serious threat for the overall peace and freedom..


“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. …In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons…who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.” ~ Edward L. Bernays, Master Propagandist

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