Monday 24 October 2016



By G. & E. Moody


CAUTION - If you are EXPOSING the devil in any way, you better be doing DAILY Spiritual Warfare, Deliverance, breaking and RETURNING all evil being sent your way.

If you can hear the Oh the Blood of Jesus midi file, and it gets under your skin, don't turn your speakers off. The demons absolutely hate this song or any song that is about the Blood of Jesus. (How ironic..) The more this bothers you, the more demon infested you are. You actually could get some Deliverance by having this tune play in the background, and some demons may actually leave your home or apartment too. Copy the midi file and play it in your home over and over or just let it play on your computer. I have it set to play continuously. (My soundcard mysteriously crashed twice therefore it is recommended to play it 24 hours a day in loud speakers or subliminal all over the place..)


When you are Born Again as a Christian/Believer/True Worshipper, JESUS/Holy Spirit comes to abide in your SPIRIT. Demons CANNOT get INTO your Spirit.

Jesus spoke to demons that were WITHIN humans. Demons spoke to Jesus from WITHIN the human, using the human's vocal cords. During Deliverance, sometimes you speak to demons WITHIN the human. Sometimes the demon speaks from WITHIN the human, using the human's vocal cords.

Luke 4:18 - Jesus speaking - The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because He hath anointed me to PREACH the gospel to the poor; He hath sent me to HEAL the brokenhearted, to PREACH DELIVERANCE to the CAPTIVES, [Believers] and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised.

The Ministry of Jesus was threefold. He Taught, did Healings and Miracles, and cast OUT demons.

There is presently an alien invasion going on for the control of this planet. UFO's are being reported everywhere as are alien abduction experiences. Too many not to be true. Aliens are descendents of the biblical Nephilim (Gen. 6), the offspring of human women marrying fallen angels called "the sons of god" or "the watchers".

They had angelic intelligence, applied it to the knowledge of space flight and left the earth to colonize other planets. NASA photos of Mars and the Moon's dark side reveal the evidence of their being there. They were destroyed at the time of Noah and want their planet back again.

As the end of the age comes with the return of CHRIST, Satan is bringing back his forces: demonic, alien, antichrist, New World Order  and Illuminati to fight against JESUS CHRIST.

In the meantime, they are trying to exterminate humans by using chemtrails to poison us, electromagnetic fields to do tissue damage to our bodies, and abduction and genetic alterations of genes and to DNA corrupt GOD's creation and steal his glory.

Eighty percent of all abductions are done in the dream-state. They involve attacks on the soul: invading and occupying part of it (Archon Parasites). Or abducting the person to obtain eggs or sperm for their genetic experiments. The battle is for the mind. The mind is the soul. The soul can be torn or fragmented (Ps. 7:2).

We are in a bloody, fierce, spiritual battle of life and death. The battle is between THE FATHER - THE SON - THE HOLY SPIRIT and Satan; THE KINGDOM OF GOD against The Kingdom Of Satan. GOD is in total control of the world including Satan. This battle has been going on since Adam and Eve were made by GOD. It will go on until Satan is bound for one thousand years and then let loose for a little season to test the world to see if they are going to follow Christ or Satan.

Satan is Commander-In-Chief of The Kingdom Of Evil. Under him is one-third of innumerable (too many to be counted) fallen angels. There are billions of demons under the angels. The angels are the officers and the demons are the enlisted men. The forces listed in the verse are powerful fallen angels in the second heaven with Satan. They are telling the demons in the first heaven what to do. We wrestle against these rulers in the second heaven not against human beings and their demons.

Principalies Forces and dominions dealing with nations and governments; high-level satanic princes set over nations and regions of the earth; commanding generals over Satan's fallen army.

Powers Having authority and power of action in spheres open to them; supernatural and natural government; high ranking powers of evil.

The Rulers Of Darkness Of This World Governing the darkness and blindness of the world at large; operate within countries and cultures to influence certain aspects of life; governing spirits of darkness.

Spiritual Wickedness In High Places Forces being directed in and upon the CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST in wiles, fiery darts, onslaught and every conceivable deception about doctrine which they are capable of planning.


By Jim Keith

Greed is the motivation for this war, a greed so pervasive that it encompasses the planet and all of the beings on it. This is a lust for control. More humanistic approaches to understanding mankind were replaced by a scientific philosophy that would be employed less as a measure for the understanding of man than as a justification for a new feudalism and mechanism of pure control.

It was rejected that man might have a soul or deeper significance than the merely physical, that he was in fact anything more than an animal. The materialist psychological doctrine spread rapidly and infected the thinking of most of the influential psychologists, psychiatrists, educators, and social planners.

A time-dishonored approach to the manipulation of mankind is through the philosophy and techniques of eugenics. this is the attempted perfecting of humanity through genetic means: selective breeding, sterilization, biological manipulation, and even murder for those considered unfit. Involuntary sterilization programs continue in many countries to this day.

The majority of persons graduated from high school are functionally illiterate and ill-prepared for doing anything else than saying yes to Big Brother and his telescreens. From the standpoint of the social controllers, there are many advantages to keeping the populace stupid. The purpose is populace control and promotion of the totalitarian world order.

Attitudes are mandated including attempted normalizing of homosexuality and playboyism, and abortion as a form of birth control. They want the children to take tranquillizers: the wholesale drugging of students who are being zombified. This is for the supposed Attention Deficit Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Consider the effects of poor nutrition of poor food, television and other media, little parental contact with kids, and public schooling.

The goals are one-world order and simultaneous psychological control of the world. Current cultural deconstruction and leveling is no accident. They deprogram a subject to a vegetative state through torture and trauma, for subsequent reprogramming after the brain function has been sufficiently disturbed. Encounter or sensitivity programs break down an individual's personality and reconstruct it along lines agreeable to the group.

The information war is probably the most effective method of control ever discovered which is simple information management by television, radio, motion pictures, newspapers, magazines, and the Internet. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power in our country. There is monopolistic ownership.

The power elite have created and developed that wonderful field of public relations on an incredible scale. Public attention has been channelled away from more important issues such as poverty, human rights abuses, the equitable distribution of the wealth of the world, true political representation for the vast majority of humans, and media control by the elite.

Photosensitive epilepsy with strobing lights is similar to hypnosis. Messages can be patterned at infra-low frequencies over music. The great majority of the information that we receive from major media is designed to keep us confused, entrapped, and to motivate us without our knowledge. It is designed to undermine independent thought, and prevent understanding and analysis of institutional structures and their functions.

One technique of control is the destruction of traditional morality and the normalizing of deviancy. Cultural deconstruction succeeded in decimating American sexual mores, helped to fragment the American family, and left the population still more vulnerable to reproductive, cultural, familial, and mind programming. This caused a rejection of chastity, self control and moral public governance, as well as increased illicit sexual conduct.

Non-virginity, masturbation, promiscuity, homosexuality, etc. in the population is promoted. Research included child sexuality, manual and oral stimulation of children's genitals, and the timing of child orgasms. Wife swapping, easy divorce, swinging, the depiction of sex acts in the media, homosexuality, and sadomasochism are promoted as the norm to create a senate society satiated with sex, drugs, and TV. The war against sexual sanity and for mass control continues today.

Areas investigated were brain surgery including lobotomy; the use of electrical and chemical shock; the effects of stress on human beings, including hunger, fear, fatigue, duress, and torture; narcoanalysis; handwriting analysis; ultrasonic, subsonic, and vibrational disorientation and control; interrogation techniques; drugs that induced speech and amnesia, sensory deprivation and electrosleep; radiation; genetic research including gene splicing and the creation of mutations.

Also included are ESP; various forms of brainwashing; personality assessment; concussions produced by remote control; brain implants and electrodes; the use of prostitutes as agents; hormonal and glandular products; gases; poisons; drug agents that could be sprayed; and drugs, including LSD, amphetamines, morphine, nicotine, ether, psychedelic mushrooms, barbiturates, heroin, cocaine, and marijuana.

The paranormal and the use of ESP are used for espionage. The intelligence agencies have been formulating a secret science of advanced techniques of mind control. This involves planetary controllers, plans of eugenics, social control, monopolistic control of resources, and other forms of the suppression of the masses worldwide.

There is a curious conjugation between black magic, military intelligence, and mind control. All major patriot groups, normal workers, and workers in big corporations (government contract firms) have at least one or more 'sleepers' attached to them.

Techniques included dosing patients with drugs including Thorazine, Nubutal and Seconal, then giving them amphetamines to wake them up. At that point they would be blasted with electoshocks administered at voltages forty times greater than what was considered to be safe by most practitioners of the time.

Implanting electrodes into the brains could switch on and off a variety of emotional and mental states. Various types are radio stimulator, programmed stimulators, radio injector, electromagnetic broadcasting for mind control, and instrument guidance. Telerecording and telestimulation of the brain will be widely used.

It will be possible to maintain twenty-four-hour-a-day surveillance over the subject and to intervene electronically or psychically to influence and control selected behavior. These probes are being developed for acute and chronic recording and/or stimulation of the central nervous system.

There is the intelligence agency's mind control programs, media manipulation, sexual revolution, the restructuring of American society through the use of psychedelic drugs and mysticism, and an accompanying injection of mystical religion. It seems to be likely to be imposed on the majority by the World Controllers, a ruthless, efficient, and fanatical minority, inspired by some ideology or religion to create a one-world brain to act as a police of the mind.

It is difficult to overestimate the role of religion and occultism in the history of world control. In many religious or occult groups the zombieism of mind control is the entry fee. There is New Age religious manipulation and perhaps testing grounds for drug or electronic manipulation.

Psychosurgery and other behavior modification programs have been used by the government. Experimentation has been performed on those in prison, psychiatric systems, the inner city, cults, criminal enterprises, retarded children, and on an nonsuspecting populace which are violations of human rights.

In as many as two-thirds of the ritual abuse cases that existed, the victims had been subjected to a highly developed and uniform technology of mind control suggesting that there is a large network of practitioners of this kind practicing. Programming is started at about two-and-a-half years oriented to self-destruction and debasement of the person. This creates multiple personality disorder or some other form of dissociative disorder.

Smuggling of drugs and children, courier of information, programming of children, disposing of bodies, participating in porn movies, torture and interrogation, sex with political dignitaries, assassinations, and the seduction of female politicians and wives of politicians is done. There is religious / God submission / spiritual realm programming.

It is estimated that there are a total of one million children who are programmed. There is an underworld of mind control and ritual abuse that has been only been partially exposed.

Electromagnetic energy can be used to influence, disable, or kill humans at a distance. The spoken word of the hypnotist may be conveyed by modulate electomagnetic energy directly into the subconscious parts of the human brain. Almost anything could be inserted into the target brain mind systems.

There are beam weapons for anti-material or anti-personnel purposes, subliminal messages referred to as ultra-high-frequency silent sounds or silent subliminals, and remote viewing or out of body travel. Radio frequency radiation fields may pose powerful and revolutionary anti-personnel military threats. Exotic non-lethal laser, microwave and electromagnetic such as psychotronic and other mind control weapons could be used against American citizens involved in domestic disturbances.

These include radio frequency weapons, high powered microwave technology, acoustic technology, voice synthesis, and application of extreme frequency electromagnetic fields to non-lethal weapons.

A ready source of human fodder for experimentation has been found in prisons. A single ELF frequency can produce cancer. Whole populations can be controlled by ELF waves; this is the beam war.

A person's memory, consciousness, and sense of self can be fully accessed and modified by electromagnetic means. The most frightening thing is that the means for doing this already exists in a fully operational form on a worldwide basis. The entire human race can be mind controlled though the use of television and radio networks.

ESP and telepathy are used in mass mind control. Occult methods include the use of tarot cards and channeling. The ultimate control is where a person's entire perception of reality is replaced by another of the controller's choosing. Shaping is now done by propaganda, advertising and other less subtle means. These sorts of devices will be used to delete mind / brain functions that do not conform to the will of the mind control masters.

The gradual assimilation and control of all communications - and ultimately all transactions entirely, including those of perception and thought - is a long term strategy of the controllers. Mass control is here, eating up our freedom on a day-to-day basis like a fast-acting viral organism. Sophisticated approaches to the coding of information for transmittal to population targets in the battle for the minds of men and of an approach integrating biological, social and physical-mathematical research in an attempt to control human behavior.

Among the control strategies that can be and are employed by the elitist in a cybernetic world are the control of food, monetary supply, energy, and public opinion. The techno-fascists are approaching closure, and may have already achieved it. The media is used to brainwash us. The cybernetics approach to world management can yield the ultimate in control. The ruling elite will have effectively realized total control over the minds and bodies of mankind.

Here stands the New Man, controlled by the sorcerer, media manipulator, cyberneticist and weaver of dreams, his mind and body stolen from him and soul reduced to the impulses of the animal he thinks he is. The controllers are materialist and immoral putting into place mind control technologies, advanced surveillance, computerization, indoctrination, prisons and other people-control technologies that will render freedom meaningless and obsolete.

New technology has been used in the service of authoritarian control without regard for the rights of individuals. Mind control programs are going on in the military, religious cults, psychiatric experiments, and media. This is about mind control fascism, totalitarian control, technologies, and agents.

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