Tuesday 6 September 2016


I just found the place where the torture state crews here in SG are located and hiding..thanks for sharing assholes..militarypolice right..they have been involved since day one..definately war criminals of the worst sort..nazi pigs what else..seen them driving thru the village with a armor today..the fat driver needs therapy thats for sure..they are responsible for the crimes that have been committed against me and the family i live with..also the strange activities in the surrounding forests as we can see thru the official connection..another underground werkhof mason hell just like previously in bäretswil ZH..fuck everyone who still helps them or provides them with further money and food..the doors should be closed and sealed forever..a nice grave..what else can we use this shit for..guess its the best to blow the whole place up there..ive heard that it is pretty common that people die from a overdose..and there are always people who commit suicide..nothing special..and as the police is useless anyway they will not ask any second questions..death can come in various forms..but it will get you..there is no escape from this..brainwashed stupid little asshole slave servants must and will die..every last one of them..none of you will survive the wrath of the people..and their awareness and power is growing each day..just like mine..and you get weaker and weaker..better admit that you have been abused and brainwashed by some occult shit state sect..ive never made a secret out of anything that happened..thats why they torture me..and i am not a criminal either they have nothing on me for blackmail..and their demons can only manipulate people with low vibration so its on those to change and not to sacrifice the ones who made it already into that higher state..might be the ones who save their lives one day as they do not really look like they would make any progress soon..lying and eating meat is definately not a good energy no matter what else youre doing in life..a big difference as we can all see now..those are already caged in this demonic jail..touchable and corruptable..not my fault ive worked hard on myself everyone who did not shouldnt blame anybody else than themselves..so fuck all you cheaters and fake haters..weak cowards and blind zombie sheeps..they will never touch me or appear in front of me..its them who would die..you cant but i can..thats all this is about..energy and vibration..illusions and deceptions..power and influence..so all the jealous assholes should just go away..shame on you..and if you think what they are doing to the population in general (each citizen is a target and will experience the same if not worst torture or death once they realize the dangerous situation we are all in) is justified go ahead and support them..but you will also follow them to whatever dark place they are destined..and its not a place any normal human ever wants to go..neither dead or alive..illuminati, freemasons or jesuits..reptilian, vampire or demon..does it matter..its all the same sickkk filth..abgefuckte schweinehurenbrut..verrecke und verrotte...


Its gonna be a bloody revolution in this armageddon...the fire gone raiding the babylon so stand up and face your tribulation..its gonna be a bloody revolution in this armageddon..the fire gone raiding the babylon so stand up and face your destruction..every man must get their pay according to the works they have done..dont believe you can run away..you shall live and die by the gun..whats about the killing of my brother..you even turned around and raped my sisters..you rejoice about your sinful action but there must be a reaction..they are dressed up in uniforms of brutality with their guns and aminations..coming with war and ignorancy to destroy the creation..live your life and let others live dont be like no stranger give the best that you can give instead of putting us in danger..its gonna be a revolution..they are coming to proove their skill to impose on others their will and if you dont obey by their rules they already program to kill..

The Meaning of Truth
The Greek word that is translated "truth" in the New Testament is a very powerful and meaningful word. It is "alethia". The a (alpha) at the beginning of a Greek word often means that it is a negation of the rest of the Greek word. For instance, the English word atheist comes from "atheos" which means literally "no god." In the case of "alethia" the literal meaning of this word is "nothing hidden." This means that the phrase found in Scripture that describes the Holy Spirit as the "Spirit of Truth" literally would be "the Spirit who allows nothing to remain hidden."


Forstwerkhof Oberuzwil: Alles aus einer Hand

Die Waldregion 1 St.Gallen nimmt den Internationalen Tag des Waldes vom 21. März 2014 zum Anlass, Kunden, Waldeigentümern und Behördenmitgliedern das neue Försterbüro in Oberuzwil zu präsentieren. Im gleichen Gebäude haben auch der Forstbetrieb Staatswald und die Militärpolizei ihren Stützpunkt.

Die Waldregion 1 ist die nördlichste von fünf Waldregionen im Kanton. Sie erstreckt sich von Rorschach bis Wil und umfasst rund 9'500 Hektaren Wald. Sie ist eingeteilt in elf Forstreviere, in denen zwölf Revierförster sich um die vielfältigen Interessen rund um den Wald kümmern. Im Försterbüro in Oberuzwil sind gleich fünf Förster in einem Gemeinschaftsbüro untergebracht. Damit ist in der Region Flawil-Uzwil-Kirchberg-Oberbüren ein Kompetenzzentrum für Waldfragen entstanden. Der Mehrwert für die Kunden und Waldeigentümer besteht darin, dass die Informationswege kurz, der fachliche Austausch gewährleistet sowie die Stellvertretungen dienstleistungsorientiert gelöst sind.

Moderner Forstbetrieb

In denselben Gebäulichkeiten ist der Forstbetrieb Staatswald untergebracht. Rund fünf Prozent der Waldungen in der Waldregion sind im Besitz des Kantons. Mit einem modern eingerichteten Maschinenpark und fachlich top ausgebildetem Personal ist er für jegliche Arbeiten im und um den Wald bestens qualifiziert. Der Forstbetrieb Staatswald ist der grösste Lehrbetrieb für Forstwart-Lernende im Kanton.

Militärpolizei als Partner

Auch die Militärpolizei hat einen Stützpunkt im ehemaligen Zeughaus. Sie ist im In- und Ausland die Polizei der Schweizer Armee. Ihr Tätigkeitsfeld umfasst verkehrs-, kriminal-, sicherheits- und gerichtspolizeilichen Belange. Sie ist ein wichtiger Ansprechpartner für die Truppe und auch Partner für die zivilen kantonalen Behörden.

Roman Gschwend, Revierförster
Forstwerkhof Oberuzwil
Wilerstrasse 29
9242 Oberuzwil

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