Tuesday 16 February 2016


Swisscom seems to play a significant role in the mind&control agenda. As weve seen in the advertisement with the empire of silence eye the reptilian and surveillance connection is obvious. The techniques with which they accomplish their goals are as various as the means. They are present at different suspicious places related to communication (also for police&military purposes) as well as the national distribution of radio&media like TV, telephone and internet. Thats why its easy for them to run their own secret channels. All affected by illegal methods of brainwash, control and surveillance. Do i feel like the guy in the movie trueman show. Yes. Is this treatment justified. Not even close. Weve seen their facilities at every huge antenna tower in our country. Mostly in connection with the suspicious Romag company who seems to already generate free magnetic energy also used by these towers and swisscom. And sure provides the whole secret underground networks and genetic labs with electricity aswell. They also have huge facilities on top of the mountain säntis which are guarded 24hrs a day. The famous mountain where all these strange things or creatures can be observed. The presence of the military in this area is even mentioned in the tour guides. Its obvious that they are related and somehow involved in these illegal hybrid or cloning experiments as well as the extreme forms of control and surveillance. Chips for example. Used against unaware and innocent citizens aswell as animals. Concerns life forms in general aswell as the weather and all other things that can be artificially manipulated and controlled. Or consumed. Meat, blood or energy. Traded for certain advanced/occult technologies and astral soldier weapons. In the restaurant schwägalp are ufos with aliens even illustrated on the table sets. Sure no coincidence and enough reason to closer investigate this hollow place inhabited by strange creatures. Not only at this location. This hole hell world should be flooded like in the days of noah. Right. Meat smoothie anyone? The totally blurred sections on google maps says it all i guess. A very active base. Well guarded and definatley with highly illegal and suspicious activities going on. We even found a huge bare bone of a cow close to a rock hole entrance. At the station is a construction site at the moment. For some conference center. Seems they want to extend their "projects" or make more income to support their hidden facilities and illegal experiments. Construction sites are very often used lately by the industrial part of the military as fronts or security installations. Especially for government related buildings, banks and masonic companies. And they have been also used by groups of the military police to gas the city with BZ or take whole areas hostage with bombs. To cover-up their involvement in satanism, human/slave trade, child abuse, illegal surveillance and genetic engineering etc.



Reptilian Butchers eat Humans underground worldwide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G3daiaG4J_M
Human&Animal Mutilations Coverup: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45hL8e-QuXQ
Underground bases: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tHesmfi56R4

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