A Common Law Grand Jury Investigation into child trafficking has equipped peace officers and citizen volunteers to begin making arrests of suspected child abusers and Roman Catholic clergy. A special warrant with universal jurisdiction was issued today that empowers anyone to make such arrests in the name of the Grand Jury. (see below)
This action was prompted by the continued refusal of police to arrest known abusers and those implicated in the harming of children, including Roman Catholic clergy and church officials who are compelled by their church's policy Crimen Sollicitationas to aid and abet inhouse child rapists.
The Common Law Grand Jury Investigation into Child Trafficking was launched last July by the ITCCS to seek the grounds for prosecuting those responsible for the continued trafficking, disappearance and murder of children. The Jury's findings have been ignored by police agencies and Jury investigators have faced mounting opposition from governments in Canada, America and Europe.
According to an ITCCS official:
“The authorities are ignoring or colluding in a massive global child trafficking and killing network, so it now falls on every man and woman to protect the children of their communities. This arrest warrant allows common law peace officers and citizens the power to halt and detain anyone they know or even suspect has harmed or may harm children. The police are obligated to either assist the warrant holder or stand back and not interfere with the arrest. We have a list of known perpetrators in five countries and they will be arrested."
Operation Reclaim and Rebuild:
Tuesday, 31 January 2017
Sunday, 15 January 2017
They always try to attack me in my sleep..when my eyes are closed..which implicates that there is something in there which connects me to their networks..and other brains..who can read my mind and see thru my eyes..real torture..and im pretty sure where ive got that from..those bloodsucking chipmonk parties..i remember how they wore all those strangely rare hats at that last occasion in wetzikon..when they tried to kidnap me too afterwards..they obviously do some really obscure experimentation with involuntary citizens and those secret implant technologies..which they abuse for this fucked up sick is that..and yes this with the hats is another interesting aspect to know about..some weird little roboid cyborg things which i call "knorrlis"..obviously beeing created with some built-in devices..probably they have been "killed" and "slaughtered" for exact those terroristic reasons in various occasions along the way..(instead of blowing up cannibals at dinner which seems to me the only reasonable application for something like this)..also from french speaking people in triemli back then..always the same young and rich psychopaths since day one..disguised as those alternative goa-punks and teen-filths..connected to the corrupted and criminal government organizations and their cannibal money can all get your share..dont worry..probably not the one youve expected..but it will be fair enough trust me..for each one what he deserves..meanwhile im walking around 24/7 with pepperspray and camera..i wish i would catch one of those fucked up assholes and beat them to death..its still private property..i plead for their heads to be cut off..just as they wanted to do with officially im dead already and all those people mentioned are once again cover up their insane and highly criminal experiments on innocent people..i recommend snipers, bazookas and drone weapons..they would actually be really useful in this in UZWIL SG and other related spots..roast them in their armors and underground hells..until they run out of their hiding holes..freshly cooked..ready for the final disposal..
An: Guy Parmelin und "Regierung" der Schweiz
Guten Tag
Die Schweiz begeht nun schon seit längerem extremen militärischen Terrorismus an der Bevölkerung. Trotz mehrfachen Meldungen bei diversen Bundesbehörden und auch der Militärjustiz (Gerrit Görrlich) wegen ausser Kontrolle geratenen Soldaten (Stab 101, Koord Absch 42 SG) wurde bis heute nichts gegen diese haarsträubenden Zustände unternommen. Offenbar versucht man damit schwerst illegale Formen des Menschenhandels zu decken um Opfer gegen ihren Willen sexuell zu missbrauchen (auch Kinder), zu Blut- oder Organentnahmen zu zwingen oder andere fragwürdige Experimente mit ihnen zu machen (chemische, elektromagnetische, genetische). Diese Sache hat in der Schweiz ja bereits schon für genug Aufsehen gesorgt - man möge sich an die BZ-Anschläge in Zürich erinnern zwischen 2013-2014 - die ebenfalls durch solche Vorfälle ausgelöst wurden. Von den Bombendrohungen wollen wir lieber gar nicht erst anfangen. Vieles davon fällt noch in die Amtszeit von Parteikollege Ueli Maurer, der Ihnen bestimmt nicht ohne Hintergedanken seinen Fettnäpfchenplatz überlassen hat. Das ist für Sie wahrlich bedauerlich, ändert aber nichts an den Tatsachen. Was sich Andre Blattmann dabei gedacht hat, ist wohl auch kaum nachzuvollziehen und stellt seine Legitimität ebenfalls in Frage. Es laufen diesbezüglich bereits internationale Untersuchungen und für die Schweiz wird dies garantiert noch ein Nachspiel haben. Was hier in den letzten Jahren im Namen des Staates alles fabriziert wurde, geht wirklich auf keine Kuhhaut. Man möchte sich also bemühen den Schaden möglichst rasch und effizient zu minimieren/eliminieren. Was Ihre Mitarbeiter offensichtlich nicht können/wollen. Dieses Schreiben gilt somit auch gleich als Beschwerde gegen die involvierten und genannten Instanzen, die wiederholt versagt und sich schuldig gemacht haben. Ich möchte darauf hinweisen, dass hier Familien mit Kinder sind und ich als alleinstehende Frau von Ihren bewaffneten Angestellten mit professionellem Equipment seit Jahren gefoltert, belagert und bedroht werde. Markus Seiler's Agenten beteiligen sich offenbar auch an äusserst fragwürdigen Projekten der missbräuchlichen Überwachung und Erpressung, wo im Namen der angeblichen Sicherheit die Privatsphäre der Bürger an pervertierte Spanner verkauft wird. Über "geheime" Sender und Mobiltelefone wird massiv Hetze betrieben. Offenbar sind grosse Teile der Bevölkerung "eingeweihte" Mitglieder dieser wortwörtlich umenschlichen und rechtsextremen Sekte. Der okkulte bzw. kirchliche Anteil in diesen organisierten und halbstaatlichen Verbrechergruppen darf nicht unterschätzt werden. Auch die Polizei ist vielerorts stark davon betroffen. Korruption ist nur der Vorname und Konsum wohl der Nachname. Das ist ja nur noch kriminell. Besonders bei KSMM. Von "integrity" keine Spur. Dieses Schreiben betrifft Simonetta Sommaruga also mindestens genauso wie Sie. Man möchte es ihr also bitte auch direkt an ihr "EyePhone" weiterleiten. Es wäre von Vorteil sich diesbezüglich untereinander auszutauschen (koordinierter Einsatz) und nicht illegal abzusprechen um weitere Verbrechen und Missbräuche zu vertuschen.
Ich fordere Sie hiermit also beide auf dieses unsägliche Fehlverhalten, die Provokationen und Menschenrechtsverletzungen durch Mitarbeiter des VBS und der Fedpol augenblicklich zu beenden. Die Schweiz hat sich von meiner Person fernzuhalten solange dieser Fall auf internationaler Ebene nicht geklärt wurde bzw. die verantwortlichen Verbrecher weiterhin frei rumlaufen und Machtpositionen ausnutzen dürfen. Auf Grund des Ausmasses kann dies tatsächlich Jahre dauern. Da bis heute kein Zeugenschutz in diesem Land existiert und ich darum seit Jahren täglich in lebensgefahr bin, möchte ich von Ihnen eine schriftliche Stellungnahme zu dieser unmenschlichen Staatsbehandlung bekommen und eine Bestätigung für die Einrichtung und Einhaltung einer neutralen Zone, welche sich auf den Kilometerumkreis meiner Person bezieht. Bei Nichteinhaltung werden Konsequenzen gezogen und ich werde mich dafür auch vor keinem rechtfertigen müssen. Das ist ganz klar Notwehr und ein Vergehen gegen die Genfer Konvention, die mittlerweile als einzige gesetzliche Grundlage auf dieses im Geheimkrieg befindliche Land anzuwenden ist. Eine weitere Zusammenarbeit mit der Schweiz bei der Lösung dieser Probleme kann ich mir auch beim besten Willen nicht mehr vorstellen. Informationen dazu haben Ihre Abteilungen von mir bereits genug erhalten bzw. ausgespäht und missbraucht. Ich werde höchstens noch mit anderen Ländern oder den Medien kooperieren. Sie alle hatten mehr als genug Möglichkeiten diese Sache ordentlich anzugehen, was eindeutig und bewiesenermassen nie gemacht wurde. Leben also auch Sie in Zukunft mit den Konsequenzen. So wie auch ich hier schon seit Jahren für die Fehler von anderen bezahlen muss. Wohlgemerkt: Ohne Milliarden von Steuerbudgets, die man offensichtlich nur noch zweckentfremdet einzusetzen weiss.
An: Guy Parmelin und "Regierung" der Schweiz
Guten Tag
Die Schweiz begeht nun schon seit längerem extremen militärischen Terrorismus an der Bevölkerung. Trotz mehrfachen Meldungen bei diversen Bundesbehörden und auch der Militärjustiz (Gerrit Görrlich) wegen ausser Kontrolle geratenen Soldaten (Stab 101, Koord Absch 42 SG) wurde bis heute nichts gegen diese haarsträubenden Zustände unternommen. Offenbar versucht man damit schwerst illegale Formen des Menschenhandels zu decken um Opfer gegen ihren Willen sexuell zu missbrauchen (auch Kinder), zu Blut- oder Organentnahmen zu zwingen oder andere fragwürdige Experimente mit ihnen zu machen (chemische, elektromagnetische, genetische). Diese Sache hat in der Schweiz ja bereits schon für genug Aufsehen gesorgt - man möge sich an die BZ-Anschläge in Zürich erinnern zwischen 2013-2014 - die ebenfalls durch solche Vorfälle ausgelöst wurden. Von den Bombendrohungen wollen wir lieber gar nicht erst anfangen. Vieles davon fällt noch in die Amtszeit von Parteikollege Ueli Maurer, der Ihnen bestimmt nicht ohne Hintergedanken seinen Fettnäpfchenplatz überlassen hat. Das ist für Sie wahrlich bedauerlich, ändert aber nichts an den Tatsachen. Was sich Andre Blattmann dabei gedacht hat, ist wohl auch kaum nachzuvollziehen und stellt seine Legitimität ebenfalls in Frage. Es laufen diesbezüglich bereits internationale Untersuchungen und für die Schweiz wird dies garantiert noch ein Nachspiel haben. Was hier in den letzten Jahren im Namen des Staates alles fabriziert wurde, geht wirklich auf keine Kuhhaut. Man möchte sich also bemühen den Schaden möglichst rasch und effizient zu minimieren/eliminieren. Was Ihre Mitarbeiter offensichtlich nicht können/wollen. Dieses Schreiben gilt somit auch gleich als Beschwerde gegen die involvierten und genannten Instanzen, die wiederholt versagt und sich schuldig gemacht haben. Ich möchte darauf hinweisen, dass hier Familien mit Kinder sind und ich als alleinstehende Frau von Ihren bewaffneten Angestellten mit professionellem Equipment seit Jahren gefoltert, belagert und bedroht werde. Markus Seiler's Agenten beteiligen sich offenbar auch an äusserst fragwürdigen Projekten der missbräuchlichen Überwachung und Erpressung, wo im Namen der angeblichen Sicherheit die Privatsphäre der Bürger an pervertierte Spanner verkauft wird. Über "geheime" Sender und Mobiltelefone wird massiv Hetze betrieben. Offenbar sind grosse Teile der Bevölkerung "eingeweihte" Mitglieder dieser wortwörtlich umenschlichen und rechtsextremen Sekte. Der okkulte bzw. kirchliche Anteil in diesen organisierten und halbstaatlichen Verbrechergruppen darf nicht unterschätzt werden. Auch die Polizei ist vielerorts stark davon betroffen. Korruption ist nur der Vorname und Konsum wohl der Nachname. Das ist ja nur noch kriminell. Besonders bei KSMM. Von "integrity" keine Spur. Dieses Schreiben betrifft Simonetta Sommaruga also mindestens genauso wie Sie. Man möchte es ihr also bitte auch direkt an ihr "EyePhone" weiterleiten. Es wäre von Vorteil sich diesbezüglich untereinander auszutauschen (koordinierter Einsatz) und nicht illegal abzusprechen um weitere Verbrechen und Missbräuche zu vertuschen.
Ich fordere Sie hiermit also beide auf dieses unsägliche Fehlverhalten, die Provokationen und Menschenrechtsverletzungen durch Mitarbeiter des VBS und der Fedpol augenblicklich zu beenden. Die Schweiz hat sich von meiner Person fernzuhalten solange dieser Fall auf internationaler Ebene nicht geklärt wurde bzw. die verantwortlichen Verbrecher weiterhin frei rumlaufen und Machtpositionen ausnutzen dürfen. Auf Grund des Ausmasses kann dies tatsächlich Jahre dauern. Da bis heute kein Zeugenschutz in diesem Land existiert und ich darum seit Jahren täglich in lebensgefahr bin, möchte ich von Ihnen eine schriftliche Stellungnahme zu dieser unmenschlichen Staatsbehandlung bekommen und eine Bestätigung für die Einrichtung und Einhaltung einer neutralen Zone, welche sich auf den Kilometerumkreis meiner Person bezieht. Bei Nichteinhaltung werden Konsequenzen gezogen und ich werde mich dafür auch vor keinem rechtfertigen müssen. Das ist ganz klar Notwehr und ein Vergehen gegen die Genfer Konvention, die mittlerweile als einzige gesetzliche Grundlage auf dieses im Geheimkrieg befindliche Land anzuwenden ist. Eine weitere Zusammenarbeit mit der Schweiz bei der Lösung dieser Probleme kann ich mir auch beim besten Willen nicht mehr vorstellen. Informationen dazu haben Ihre Abteilungen von mir bereits genug erhalten bzw. ausgespäht und missbraucht. Ich werde höchstens noch mit anderen Ländern oder den Medien kooperieren. Sie alle hatten mehr als genug Möglichkeiten diese Sache ordentlich anzugehen, was eindeutig und bewiesenermassen nie gemacht wurde. Leben also auch Sie in Zukunft mit den Konsequenzen. So wie auch ich hier schon seit Jahren für die Fehler von anderen bezahlen muss. Wohlgemerkt: Ohne Milliarden von Steuerbudgets, die man offensichtlich nur noch zweckentfremdet einzusetzen weiss.
Friday, 13 January 2017
Thursday, 12 January 2017
Another attempted kidnapping attack by the local nazi surveillance mafia and their militant accomplices with close by neighbors...
Another attempted kidnapping attack by the local nazi surveillance mafia and their militant accomplices with close by neighbors...
Tuesday, 10 January 2017
"La Resurrezione depicts Jesus rising from a nuclear crater..."
"La Resurrezione depicts Jesus rising from a nuclear crater..."
The corrupted swiss national tv broadcaster SRF featured some total blackout apocalypse scenario theme day lately..another fear fueling and preparational manipulation seasons entertainment..propably the only solution to unviolently shut down their tight matrix big brother control grid..their self-fulfilling prophecy..and our desperately needed salvation..
Die Kugelwesen-Allianz bekämpft die gegenwärtig kontrollierende Elite, die als Kabale oder Illuminati bekannt ist und die genau in diesem Moment auf der Erde existiert. Es gibt Ereignisse und Schlachten, die oberhalb unserer Atmosphäre stattfinden, an denen die geheimen Weltraumprogramme und Abspaltungszivilisationen beteiligt sind. Die Menschen auf der Erde wurden in Schuldsklaverei gebracht, Gedanken-kontrolliert, krank gemacht und angelogen, um die Massen zu kontrollieren. Wir hatten Technologien, die uns vorenthalten wurden, die unser Leben verändern könnten. Die Allianz ist hier um der Menschheit zu helfen sich aus dieser tiefen Frequenz heraus zu entwickeln. Es ist an der Zeit, unsere Rechte zu kennen, wer wir wirklich sind, und was wir dafür tun müssen. Diese Technologien würden unmittelbar die Weltwirtschaft zusammenbrechen lassen und das babylonische magische Geldsklavensystem nutzlos machen. Das bedeutet den Kontrollverlust der 0.1% Elite über die Massen und einen vollständigen Paradigmenwechsel.
OFF GRID - Not impossible, but not the default by any means:
- There are 30 million plus surveillance cameras on the US, one camera for every ten Americans.
- The average American is in 200 databases.
- Putting a plan in motion to keep you from being tracked is a good idea if you want to devise a new life for yourself.
- Right before you leave, change your appearance significantly.
- Before you leave, terminate all of your accounts (email, bank accounts, credit cards, etc.).
- Don’t terminate your social network sites as you can use these sites to provide disinformation.
- Before you leave, delete all of your computer files and get rid of your computer’s hard drive – boil; smash; run a Degausser/ electromagnetic wand.
- Get rid of your cell phone or tablet as these can be easily used to track your location.
- Break your normal patterns (what you eat, where you frequent, how you shop, the kind of work you do, etc.).
- Completely change your lifestyle [and employment].
- Pay for everything with cash.
- Ditch your car and find a substitute; get rid of the toll pass which can track your movements.
- To change your identity … petition the court to change your name legally to a new–and common–name.
- Apply for a driver’s license under your new name.
- Buy a basic pre-paid cell phone (not a smart phone).
- Replace the pre-paid phone frequently, about every 2 weeks.
- To get back online use a new laptop. Stay away from libraries!
- Always use a hard wire to your laptop and turn off the wi-fi; reroute your IP address so your location can’t be determined
- Be aware of the NSA spying and the ECHELON program in the US which monitors phone and computer transmissions for keywords and messages.
- There are 70+ FUSION centers in the US which coordinate surveillance and other information.
- Technology is now available to identify you by the way you walk, your facial measurements and biometrics.
- It will be 7 to 10 years before your old identity drops off of databases, if ever.
- The less you interface with technology, the better off you will be.
Die Kugelwesen-Allianz bekämpft die gegenwärtig kontrollierende Elite, die als Kabale oder Illuminati bekannt ist und die genau in diesem Moment auf der Erde existiert. Es gibt Ereignisse und Schlachten, die oberhalb unserer Atmosphäre stattfinden, an denen die geheimen Weltraumprogramme und Abspaltungszivilisationen beteiligt sind. Die Menschen auf der Erde wurden in Schuldsklaverei gebracht, Gedanken-kontrolliert, krank gemacht und angelogen, um die Massen zu kontrollieren. Wir hatten Technologien, die uns vorenthalten wurden, die unser Leben verändern könnten. Die Allianz ist hier um der Menschheit zu helfen sich aus dieser tiefen Frequenz heraus zu entwickeln. Es ist an der Zeit, unsere Rechte zu kennen, wer wir wirklich sind, und was wir dafür tun müssen. Diese Technologien würden unmittelbar die Weltwirtschaft zusammenbrechen lassen und das babylonische magische Geldsklavensystem nutzlos machen. Das bedeutet den Kontrollverlust der 0.1% Elite über die Massen und einen vollständigen Paradigmenwechsel.
OFF GRID - Not impossible, but not the default by any means:
- There are 30 million plus surveillance cameras on the US, one camera for every ten Americans.
- The average American is in 200 databases.
- Putting a plan in motion to keep you from being tracked is a good idea if you want to devise a new life for yourself.
- Right before you leave, change your appearance significantly.
- Before you leave, terminate all of your accounts (email, bank accounts, credit cards, etc.).
- Don’t terminate your social network sites as you can use these sites to provide disinformation.
- Before you leave, delete all of your computer files and get rid of your computer’s hard drive – boil; smash; run a Degausser/ electromagnetic wand.
- Get rid of your cell phone or tablet as these can be easily used to track your location.
- Break your normal patterns (what you eat, where you frequent, how you shop, the kind of work you do, etc.).
- Completely change your lifestyle [and employment].
- Pay for everything with cash.
- Ditch your car and find a substitute; get rid of the toll pass which can track your movements.
- To change your identity … petition the court to change your name legally to a new–and common–name.
- Apply for a driver’s license under your new name.
- Buy a basic pre-paid cell phone (not a smart phone).
- Replace the pre-paid phone frequently, about every 2 weeks.
- To get back online use a new laptop. Stay away from libraries!
- Always use a hard wire to your laptop and turn off the wi-fi; reroute your IP address so your location can’t be determined
- Be aware of the NSA spying and the ECHELON program in the US which monitors phone and computer transmissions for keywords and messages.
- There are 70+ FUSION centers in the US which coordinate surveillance and other information.
- Technology is now available to identify you by the way you walk, your facial measurements and biometrics.
- It will be 7 to 10 years before your old identity drops off of databases, if ever.
- The less you interface with technology, the better off you will be.
Sunday, 8 January 2017
This is an official application to seriously look into this case and start immediate investigations and actions against the vatican, the swiss government and other people committing various high level crimes against the population of switzerland since over 4 years without taking real measures to seriously investigate and solve this case or prosecute the crimes.
In January 2013 started a massive alien invasion in Switzerland. Since then the country is in a state of emergency, war, terror and revolution. It began with a "harmless" story about young people and teenagers from the street in Zurich who seemed to be mind-controlled and sold as sexslaves to rich and powerful people from the government under forced prostitution over a language school called Alpha which only served as front. After a while it became clear that there was a bigger story behind as there was no one not even from our law enforcement who could/would free these innocent people from their jailers. Ive informed all institutions which normally are responsible for such cases in our country but none of them reacted properly (Federal Police, KSMM and Transparency). Instead they came after the witnesses, locked them up and tried to deny the reality of these crimes. Meanwhile these group of street kids traveled to the vatican in rome as they seem to be part of a huge satanic/masonic pedophile, cannibal and white slavery ring which the catholic church is involved with more than they would ever admit. This could also haven been the occasion where the atomic bomb has been brought into our country which we (indirectly) brought back to Rome in december 2013. As i would not accept the way that case was dealt with by the police and other organizations ive started to inform the population about what was going on. Thats where the whole thing completley went out of control. Suddenly there appeared thousands of people from nowhere invading the whole city. They must have come from the underground or other places we dont know. They took the whole city hostage with bombs, isolated whole districts which became outlaw territory and started to gas the population with a strange poison which makes you very tired and lets you forget (we think it was BZ). As we kept on fighting and surviving in the middle of this chaotic scene where we have been constantly attacked, terrorized and tortured by whole armies of state agents, occult masons and alien lifeforms with various illegal and unknown weapons in my private rooms, weve found a certain bunker (in Glanzenberg) with strange little creatures living and working in it. It seemed that they created sort of hybrids/clones/androids/mindslaves in there in cooperation with people and army staff living close by. Thats where the story really began to unfold. Not long after weve found a whole underground base in the mountains (Schwägalp/Säntis) where big colonies seem to live and work together with the government. Its not even well hidden as you can see the creatures living in sort of rocks, holes and wood hills. Meanwhile they have spread everywhere around the places we live. As we found a way to defeat them with kind of shamanic/magic fires and other techniques we could kill a lot of them and drive them away but there are still whole cities and places occupied by this alien-government-army (also disguised as construction workers and other citizens) and a lot of hostages have been taken and are still missing to that day. Also my friend who has been sexually abused as part of these vatican streetpunks. They divide us because love is the ultimate weapon against them and together we would be too powerful. Most of these government "soldiers" responsible for all this arent even human but clones and hybrids who have been created in these underground labs and are used by the government and rich private investors for various "jobs". They also used us to defeat the aliens because they could not do it themselves but they still isolate us and deny our success and abilities even if we could help a lot of other countries with the same problem. They keep us jailed with bombs also atomic ones to keep everyone silent so that no one would help us. Which they actually really tried to use twice already always in march around easter (in 2013 on the 6th of december - cheers from satansanta) and escape underground or with their ships to safe places - thats what 2012 actually was or is about and they will probably try again next year as we dont know where all these bombs are located now and if there are more - weve prevented this from happening and actually saved the world for another round. There are a few groups who seem to engage in this war and united a citizen front against our alien-government who still keeps our country hostage. This is very real and serious and should be taken as an official statement as our government is completley out of control. It is only "all fine" on the surface to keep the people under control but in reality it is not at all. They keep all these crimes a secret with extreme coverup measures which is the reason why this is not made public to the world until today but it concerns us all. Ive written a lot of different texts about what is going on here and reported everything that happened in real time on my blog also with fotos and names of involved people which serves as my personal testimony. A lot is written in german but there are many english contents aswell. The real wonder is that we are still alive because they tried to kill us since the whole thing started. It must have something to do with our conciousness and something they have put inside our body/brain (next to many other stuff like chips, bombs etc. use us for fetus-food production) which protects us from them. Could also be atomic material as the aliens seem to keep distance from that. However the invasion, holocaust and new world order already started in our country and their insane plans have been fully revealed to us. Its more real than anyone could ever imagine and we are all called to wake up right now and stand up for the future of earth and mankind.
Genetic engineering, manipulation and experimentation is highly illegal. No matter if done by humans on other humans/aliens or by aliens (reptiles/insectoids/greys) on humans/animals/hybrids/clones/other metaphysical entities etc. This includes the forced abductions, mutilations, "medical/scientific" examinations and the farming/enslaving/killing of innocent and involuntary captives/clones/hybrids for whatever strange "reasons" (like food for aliens/mutants or as workers for construction companies for example). It is also a heavy crime to poison and mind control the population to the extent it has been done in the past and especially in the present case here in Switzerland. Not to mention the horrific plans about the supposed atomic holocaust to decimate the population "en masse". Which explains the extreme secrecy and cover up measures (murder, bombs and terror) involving these underground facilities and "factory farms" (appearing worldwide) for dark human-alien military-industry-enterprises lead by some sort of "shadow government" and rich "elite" who wants to enslave humanity under a fascist police-state-dictatorship. It must be expected that these so called "black operations" are in possession of very advanced and hidden technologies/materials engineered and produced by or with alien lifeforms (various paranormal activities have been observed - balls/ships of light, invisible and flying entities using sticks and living in rocks or sort of wood hills, occult phenomenas, chemtrails, weather modifications, black helicopters etc.) which they seem to use very frequently against the population and purposely suppress from the public to keep humanity in the chains of the capitalistic slave-system which only a few insane people profit from and finance exactly such unethical and highly illegal projects with. This is what i have experienced and witnessed first hand. So far i can completely confirm all the stories told by other people about this kind of activity going on under the surface. I am targeted and abused by my own alien-government because of my powerful actions and investigations about the subject also concerning the secret satanic/catholic pedophile and white slavery rings which seem to be closely linked to the underground base scene (mainly for mind control reasons - use their on slaves for the sexual abuse by staff members which consists of military, police, secret service, national security and other state/hybrid/alien personnel involved in the coverup conspiracy). My whole life is affected by it and became almost a living hell. Torture, stalking and isolation became my daily life. There is not much left after their destruction campaign but i know my work will last even if i wont. They wont either and their "work" will crumble into pieces. My body is weakening but my spirit is fine. It was worth it after all and i will keep going on as long and far as i can. Especially now that they have almost ruined themselves with their own over-reactions causing this huge invasion and hostage-case out in the open which showed a lot of people and even a few "gods" the true reality behind the matrix-illusion and united them in the fight against the evil dreamland-alien-society and its masonic illuminati-puppet-masters. The worst nazis ever.
For all these crimes described in the above text (which are numerous and heavy as you can see) i make the aliens, the government of Switzerland (in collaboration with the ETH, the military departement and the national bank - mainly the leaders who are guilty of war crimes), the catholic church and the vatican in italy responsible and all the other institutions and private persons who have been involved in this crimes and which names are listed below, in my blog and the documents ive collected thru out the whole time with many other hard facts (also poisoned food samples) that proove the reality of all these crimes. Its difficult to list all the crimes seperately and to each single person but most of them are mainly guilty of corruption and partakers of the heavy crimes which have been orchestrated from "above". Its necessary to immediatley start a full investigation about what is going on here and who is responsible for it as we are only private citizens with limited powers and ressources against our state which is still trying to coverup this great conspiracy crime with highly illegal methods. There are numerous witnesses who know the truth and can help to solve this case. This is serious and we desperately need the assistance of the court and the UN to bring back justice into our country which is completly out of control and not able to fullfill its actual role anymore. I have all the documents and materials ready and could also travel to the court if needed to make my full testimony. The most important thing now is to professionally look into this case and start sorting it out. Probably with help of other international institutions or courts as most of the crimes are still happening and seem not solved at all - especially the bombs. Switzerland should be stopped with an embargo or other sanctions to make it behave according to international law again. It will take years to completley solve this case thats for sure because it is huge and many if not thousands of people are involved. Criminals aswell as victims. But we have to start somewhere. The laws are the same everywhere and for everyone and thats how it should be treated. This case is also of international concern because of the atomic and alien/AI threat coming from it which is and will be a problem for all countries in the world if not dealt with properly right now. Emergency on planet earth would be the best description. This is something that shows how directly connected we all are and how much we need each other to overcome this great test which is on humanity at the moment. We will find a solution but we all need to come together now to fight this alarming development. So if you need anything to proceed within the court or investigation let me know and i will do what i can to assist you and hope you will help us to bring clarity and justice as fast as possible as we all depend on it. Some of us with their very lifes. This message should be also taken as an S.O.S. from Switzerland.
As this case offers a variety of actions and crimes to prosecute i guess it would be the best to split it up. There will be a new form of collaboration between different courts and institutions needed to get thru this whole case. So i encourage you to do just that. Thats why im sending this to all of you at the same time. I can only report and document what ive experienced and know but i cannot coordinate the single crimes to different courts as this would take too much time and knowledge which i dont have at the moment. Most of the crimes are also linked and connected to each other which makes it difficult to seperate them as they serve cross-purposes. We are still in the middle of the whole story here and cannot do that all by ourselves.
The most important part in this case which should be the first to deal with is the slaves and hostages who are still missing to that day (some of them since last year) and have been taken by our government and other people to secret places aswell as the highly illegal and inacceptable "treatment" of witnesses, heroes and veterans. These crimes are mostly related to human rights violations and should be dealt with by the ECHR/HUDOC. All the other crimes involving terrorism and other high level war crimes which are mostly related to decisions made by individuals and can be prosecuted by the Statute of Rome and the Geneva Convention should be dealt with by the ICC-CPI and maybe also the International Court of Justice. Especially the crimes concerning the underground labs and the scientific laws which have been broken. I guess its not necessary to mention that taking a whole country hostage with bombs especially atomic ones is a serious war crime and also an attempted genocide. Not to mention the repeated use of gas in a highly populated city like Zurich. As parts of the UN should have knowledge about the new world order activity going on (is related to the Bilderbergers who are behind this) im not sure if this court is really reliable for this case as corruption must be expected. The concern should be also on the creatures/hybrids created in these genlabs which do not have any rights. Thats something the exopolitics-organizations should deal with. Some of them could be integrated into our society under certain conditions and apropriate security guidelines. Maybe they can learn what it means to be "humaine" (something a lot humans must learn too) which i think is something we owe them after what was done to them. A fair chance to be treated like a real living being which will support our evolution into a cosmic society of awareness as well. The future of manykind could become a reality.
There are many rich and powerful people behind this who would do anything to make it disappear and never make it a public case. Even if that would mean to kill us all. Thats what they tried to do here and sure will try again when this case is getting a real issue. But we should not be scared away by their intimidation tactics as there are many people and also children suffering in this secret underworld who desperatley need our help. If you need hard copies of texts/documents or other proof let me know and i will deliver it to you.
We really need help and immediate actions in our country as our government is completley out of control even if they will tell you otherwise. Its not true and there are enough citizens and witnesses who can confirm that. The security and rule of law is not given anymore instead it is a threat to the population which justifies the intervention of other countries and international organizations.
I tried my best to give you as much details as i can but im just a single person who still tries to survive in all this traumatic horror and helps anyone as much i can without getting anything in return. Now its on you to help truth and justice to victory..
This is an official application to seriously look into this case and start immediate investigations and actions against the vatican, the swiss government and other people committing various high level crimes against the population of switzerland since over 4 years without taking real measures to seriously investigate and solve this case or prosecute the crimes.
In January 2013 started a massive alien invasion in Switzerland. Since then the country is in a state of emergency, war, terror and revolution. It began with a "harmless" story about young people and teenagers from the street in Zurich who seemed to be mind-controlled and sold as sexslaves to rich and powerful people from the government under forced prostitution over a language school called Alpha which only served as front. After a while it became clear that there was a bigger story behind as there was no one not even from our law enforcement who could/would free these innocent people from their jailers. Ive informed all institutions which normally are responsible for such cases in our country but none of them reacted properly (Federal Police, KSMM and Transparency). Instead they came after the witnesses, locked them up and tried to deny the reality of these crimes. Meanwhile these group of street kids traveled to the vatican in rome as they seem to be part of a huge satanic/masonic pedophile, cannibal and white slavery ring which the catholic church is involved with more than they would ever admit. This could also haven been the occasion where the atomic bomb has been brought into our country which we (indirectly) brought back to Rome in december 2013. As i would not accept the way that case was dealt with by the police and other organizations ive started to inform the population about what was going on. Thats where the whole thing completley went out of control. Suddenly there appeared thousands of people from nowhere invading the whole city. They must have come from the underground or other places we dont know. They took the whole city hostage with bombs, isolated whole districts which became outlaw territory and started to gas the population with a strange poison which makes you very tired and lets you forget (we think it was BZ). As we kept on fighting and surviving in the middle of this chaotic scene where we have been constantly attacked, terrorized and tortured by whole armies of state agents, occult masons and alien lifeforms with various illegal and unknown weapons in my private rooms, weve found a certain bunker (in Glanzenberg) with strange little creatures living and working in it. It seemed that they created sort of hybrids/clones/androids/mindslaves in there in cooperation with people and army staff living close by. Thats where the story really began to unfold. Not long after weve found a whole underground base in the mountains (Schwägalp/Säntis) where big colonies seem to live and work together with the government. Its not even well hidden as you can see the creatures living in sort of rocks, holes and wood hills. Meanwhile they have spread everywhere around the places we live. As we found a way to defeat them with kind of shamanic/magic fires and other techniques we could kill a lot of them and drive them away but there are still whole cities and places occupied by this alien-government-army (also disguised as construction workers and other citizens) and a lot of hostages have been taken and are still missing to that day. Also my friend who has been sexually abused as part of these vatican streetpunks. They divide us because love is the ultimate weapon against them and together we would be too powerful. Most of these government "soldiers" responsible for all this arent even human but clones and hybrids who have been created in these underground labs and are used by the government and rich private investors for various "jobs". They also used us to defeat the aliens because they could not do it themselves but they still isolate us and deny our success and abilities even if we could help a lot of other countries with the same problem. They keep us jailed with bombs also atomic ones to keep everyone silent so that no one would help us. Which they actually really tried to use twice already always in march around easter (in 2013 on the 6th of december - cheers from satansanta) and escape underground or with their ships to safe places - thats what 2012 actually was or is about and they will probably try again next year as we dont know where all these bombs are located now and if there are more - weve prevented this from happening and actually saved the world for another round. There are a few groups who seem to engage in this war and united a citizen front against our alien-government who still keeps our country hostage. This is very real and serious and should be taken as an official statement as our government is completley out of control. It is only "all fine" on the surface to keep the people under control but in reality it is not at all. They keep all these crimes a secret with extreme coverup measures which is the reason why this is not made public to the world until today but it concerns us all. Ive written a lot of different texts about what is going on here and reported everything that happened in real time on my blog also with fotos and names of involved people which serves as my personal testimony. A lot is written in german but there are many english contents aswell. The real wonder is that we are still alive because they tried to kill us since the whole thing started. It must have something to do with our conciousness and something they have put inside our body/brain (next to many other stuff like chips, bombs etc. use us for fetus-food production) which protects us from them. Could also be atomic material as the aliens seem to keep distance from that. However the invasion, holocaust and new world order already started in our country and their insane plans have been fully revealed to us. Its more real than anyone could ever imagine and we are all called to wake up right now and stand up for the future of earth and mankind.
Genetic engineering, manipulation and experimentation is highly illegal. No matter if done by humans on other humans/aliens or by aliens (reptiles/insectoids/greys) on humans/animals/hybrids/clones/other metaphysical entities etc. This includes the forced abductions, mutilations, "medical/scientific" examinations and the farming/enslaving/killing of innocent and involuntary captives/clones/hybrids for whatever strange "reasons" (like food for aliens/mutants or as workers for construction companies for example). It is also a heavy crime to poison and mind control the population to the extent it has been done in the past and especially in the present case here in Switzerland. Not to mention the horrific plans about the supposed atomic holocaust to decimate the population "en masse". Which explains the extreme secrecy and cover up measures (murder, bombs and terror) involving these underground facilities and "factory farms" (appearing worldwide) for dark human-alien military-industry-enterprises lead by some sort of "shadow government" and rich "elite" who wants to enslave humanity under a fascist police-state-dictatorship. It must be expected that these so called "black operations" are in possession of very advanced and hidden technologies/materials engineered and produced by or with alien lifeforms (various paranormal activities have been observed - balls/ships of light, invisible and flying entities using sticks and living in rocks or sort of wood hills, occult phenomenas, chemtrails, weather modifications, black helicopters etc.) which they seem to use very frequently against the population and purposely suppress from the public to keep humanity in the chains of the capitalistic slave-system which only a few insane people profit from and finance exactly such unethical and highly illegal projects with. This is what i have experienced and witnessed first hand. So far i can completely confirm all the stories told by other people about this kind of activity going on under the surface. I am targeted and abused by my own alien-government because of my powerful actions and investigations about the subject also concerning the secret satanic/catholic pedophile and white slavery rings which seem to be closely linked to the underground base scene (mainly for mind control reasons - use their on slaves for the sexual abuse by staff members which consists of military, police, secret service, national security and other state/hybrid/alien personnel involved in the coverup conspiracy). My whole life is affected by it and became almost a living hell. Torture, stalking and isolation became my daily life. There is not much left after their destruction campaign but i know my work will last even if i wont. They wont either and their "work" will crumble into pieces. My body is weakening but my spirit is fine. It was worth it after all and i will keep going on as long and far as i can. Especially now that they have almost ruined themselves with their own over-reactions causing this huge invasion and hostage-case out in the open which showed a lot of people and even a few "gods" the true reality behind the matrix-illusion and united them in the fight against the evil dreamland-alien-society and its masonic illuminati-puppet-masters. The worst nazis ever.
For all these crimes described in the above text (which are numerous and heavy as you can see) i make the aliens, the government of Switzerland (in collaboration with the ETH, the military departement and the national bank - mainly the leaders who are guilty of war crimes), the catholic church and the vatican in italy responsible and all the other institutions and private persons who have been involved in this crimes and which names are listed below, in my blog and the documents ive collected thru out the whole time with many other hard facts (also poisoned food samples) that proove the reality of all these crimes. Its difficult to list all the crimes seperately and to each single person but most of them are mainly guilty of corruption and partakers of the heavy crimes which have been orchestrated from "above". Its necessary to immediatley start a full investigation about what is going on here and who is responsible for it as we are only private citizens with limited powers and ressources against our state which is still trying to coverup this great conspiracy crime with highly illegal methods. There are numerous witnesses who know the truth and can help to solve this case. This is serious and we desperately need the assistance of the court and the UN to bring back justice into our country which is completly out of control and not able to fullfill its actual role anymore. I have all the documents and materials ready and could also travel to the court if needed to make my full testimony. The most important thing now is to professionally look into this case and start sorting it out. Probably with help of other international institutions or courts as most of the crimes are still happening and seem not solved at all - especially the bombs. Switzerland should be stopped with an embargo or other sanctions to make it behave according to international law again. It will take years to completley solve this case thats for sure because it is huge and many if not thousands of people are involved. Criminals aswell as victims. But we have to start somewhere. The laws are the same everywhere and for everyone and thats how it should be treated. This case is also of international concern because of the atomic and alien/AI threat coming from it which is and will be a problem for all countries in the world if not dealt with properly right now. Emergency on planet earth would be the best description. This is something that shows how directly connected we all are and how much we need each other to overcome this great test which is on humanity at the moment. We will find a solution but we all need to come together now to fight this alarming development. So if you need anything to proceed within the court or investigation let me know and i will do what i can to assist you and hope you will help us to bring clarity and justice as fast as possible as we all depend on it. Some of us with their very lifes. This message should be also taken as an S.O.S. from Switzerland.
As this case offers a variety of actions and crimes to prosecute i guess it would be the best to split it up. There will be a new form of collaboration between different courts and institutions needed to get thru this whole case. So i encourage you to do just that. Thats why im sending this to all of you at the same time. I can only report and document what ive experienced and know but i cannot coordinate the single crimes to different courts as this would take too much time and knowledge which i dont have at the moment. Most of the crimes are also linked and connected to each other which makes it difficult to seperate them as they serve cross-purposes. We are still in the middle of the whole story here and cannot do that all by ourselves.
The most important part in this case which should be the first to deal with is the slaves and hostages who are still missing to that day (some of them since last year) and have been taken by our government and other people to secret places aswell as the highly illegal and inacceptable "treatment" of witnesses, heroes and veterans. These crimes are mostly related to human rights violations and should be dealt with by the ECHR/HUDOC. All the other crimes involving terrorism and other high level war crimes which are mostly related to decisions made by individuals and can be prosecuted by the Statute of Rome and the Geneva Convention should be dealt with by the ICC-CPI and maybe also the International Court of Justice. Especially the crimes concerning the underground labs and the scientific laws which have been broken. I guess its not necessary to mention that taking a whole country hostage with bombs especially atomic ones is a serious war crime and also an attempted genocide. Not to mention the repeated use of gas in a highly populated city like Zurich. As parts of the UN should have knowledge about the new world order activity going on (is related to the Bilderbergers who are behind this) im not sure if this court is really reliable for this case as corruption must be expected. The concern should be also on the creatures/hybrids created in these genlabs which do not have any rights. Thats something the exopolitics-organizations should deal with. Some of them could be integrated into our society under certain conditions and apropriate security guidelines. Maybe they can learn what it means to be "humaine" (something a lot humans must learn too) which i think is something we owe them after what was done to them. A fair chance to be treated like a real living being which will support our evolution into a cosmic society of awareness as well. The future of manykind could become a reality.
There are many rich and powerful people behind this who would do anything to make it disappear and never make it a public case. Even if that would mean to kill us all. Thats what they tried to do here and sure will try again when this case is getting a real issue. But we should not be scared away by their intimidation tactics as there are many people and also children suffering in this secret underworld who desperatley need our help. If you need hard copies of texts/documents or other proof let me know and i will deliver it to you.
We really need help and immediate actions in our country as our government is completley out of control even if they will tell you otherwise. Its not true and there are enough citizens and witnesses who can confirm that. The security and rule of law is not given anymore instead it is a threat to the population which justifies the intervention of other countries and international organizations.
I tried my best to give you as much details as i can but im just a single person who still tries to survive in all this traumatic horror and helps anyone as much i can without getting anything in return. Now its on you to help truth and justice to victory..
Thursday, 5 January 2017
Art. 119 Fortpflanzungsmedizin und Gentechnologie im Humanbereich
1 Der Mensch ist vor Missbräuchen der Fortpflanzungsmedizin und der Gentechnologie geschützt.
2 Der Bund erlässt Vorschriften über den Umgang mit menschlichem Keim- und Erbgut. Er sorgt dabei für den Schutz der Menschenwürde, der Persönlichkeit und der Familie und beachtet insbesondere folgende Grundsätze:
a. Alle Arten des Klonens und Eingriffe in das Erbgut menschlicher Keimzellen und Embryonen sind unzulässig.
b. Nichtmenschliches Keim- und Erbgut darf nicht in menschliches Keimgut eingebracht oder mit ihm verschmolzen werden.
c. Die Verfahren der medizinisch unterstützten Fortpflanzung dürfen nur angewendet werden, wenn die Unfruchtbarkeit oder die Gefahr der Übertragung einer schweren Krankheit nicht anders behoben werden kann, nicht aber um beim Kind bestimmte Eigenschaften herbeizuführen oder um Forschung zu betreiben; die Befruchtung menschlicher Eizellen ausserhalb des Körpers der Frau ist nur unter den vom Gesetz festgelegten Bedingungen erlaubt; es dürfen nur so viele menschliche Eizellen ausserhalb des Körpers der Frau zu Embryonen entwickelt werden, als ihr sofort eingepflanzt werden können.
d. Die Embryonenspende und alle Arten von Leihmutterschaft sind unzulässig.
e. Mit menschlichem Keimgut und mit Erzeugnissen aus Embryonen darf kein Handel getrieben werden.
f. Das Erbgut einer Person darf nur untersucht, registriert oder offenbart werden, wenn die betroffene Person zustimmt oder das Gesetz es vorschreibt.
g. Jede Person hat Zugang zu den Daten über ihre Abstammung.
Angesichts dieser Verfassungsbestimmungen ist es höchst befremdlich, dass sich die Schweiz im Zusammenhang mit einer auszuarbeitenden UN-Klonkonvention nicht generell gegen alle Arten des Klonens, sonder nur für ein Verbot des reproduktiven Klonens eingesetzt hat. Die Schweiz ist somit mitverantwortlich für das Scheitern der Konvention im Herbst 2002. Sollte hier international vorgespurt werden, was man langfristig in der Schweiz auch möchte, nämlich das therapeutische Klonen erlauben?
Art. 36 Klonen, Chimären- und Hybridbildung
1 Wer einen Klon, eine Chimäre oder eine Hybride bildet, wird mit Gefängnis bestraft.
2 Ebenso wird bestraft, wer eine Chimäre oder eine Hybride auf eine Frau oder auf ein Tier überträgt.
Art. 119 Fortpflanzungsmedizin und Gentechnologie im Humanbereich
1 Der Mensch ist vor Missbräuchen der Fortpflanzungsmedizin und der Gentechnologie geschützt.
2 Der Bund erlässt Vorschriften über den Umgang mit menschlichem Keim- und Erbgut. Er sorgt dabei für den Schutz der Menschenwürde, der Persönlichkeit und der Familie und beachtet insbesondere folgende Grundsätze:
a. Alle Arten des Klonens und Eingriffe in das Erbgut menschlicher Keimzellen und Embryonen sind unzulässig.
b. Nichtmenschliches Keim- und Erbgut darf nicht in menschliches Keimgut eingebracht oder mit ihm verschmolzen werden.
c. Die Verfahren der medizinisch unterstützten Fortpflanzung dürfen nur angewendet werden, wenn die Unfruchtbarkeit oder die Gefahr der Übertragung einer schweren Krankheit nicht anders behoben werden kann, nicht aber um beim Kind bestimmte Eigenschaften herbeizuführen oder um Forschung zu betreiben; die Befruchtung menschlicher Eizellen ausserhalb des Körpers der Frau ist nur unter den vom Gesetz festgelegten Bedingungen erlaubt; es dürfen nur so viele menschliche Eizellen ausserhalb des Körpers der Frau zu Embryonen entwickelt werden, als ihr sofort eingepflanzt werden können.
d. Die Embryonenspende und alle Arten von Leihmutterschaft sind unzulässig.
e. Mit menschlichem Keimgut und mit Erzeugnissen aus Embryonen darf kein Handel getrieben werden.
f. Das Erbgut einer Person darf nur untersucht, registriert oder offenbart werden, wenn die betroffene Person zustimmt oder das Gesetz es vorschreibt.
g. Jede Person hat Zugang zu den Daten über ihre Abstammung.
Angesichts dieser Verfassungsbestimmungen ist es höchst befremdlich, dass sich die Schweiz im Zusammenhang mit einer auszuarbeitenden UN-Klonkonvention nicht generell gegen alle Arten des Klonens, sonder nur für ein Verbot des reproduktiven Klonens eingesetzt hat. Die Schweiz ist somit mitverantwortlich für das Scheitern der Konvention im Herbst 2002. Sollte hier international vorgespurt werden, was man langfristig in der Schweiz auch möchte, nämlich das therapeutische Klonen erlauben?
Art. 36 Klonen, Chimären- und Hybridbildung
1 Wer einen Klon, eine Chimäre oder eine Hybride bildet, wird mit Gefängnis bestraft.
2 Ebenso wird bestraft, wer eine Chimäre oder eine Hybride auf eine Frau oder auf ein Tier überträgt.
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