The two spiritual paths offered and open to the common people are just two sides of the same coin..neither the left-hand nor the right-hand path are independent from higher control..that's why they keep the middle-path closed and secret and anyone who found it will be chased by their servants..someone who can walk on both legs is apparently stronger than the ones only walking on one and therefore reaching another level of initiation..a greater sphere of influence..and possibly gets also more dangerous and powerful than the ones pulling the strings from above..which came into this place over the same path..and they didn't want anyone else to conquer their position that's why they concealed the knowledge from humanity and abused it..tried to stop the ones who came closer on their way..especially the women..which would proove the separation as illusion..created to control two worlds which are originally making them fight each other instead of going after their overlords..who are keeping the secrets and manipulated all related cults and religions since ages..separation destroys, love its clear where they are coming from..check out the soothers they are full of hidden symbolics from the pedophile cults..especially the one papa is the beast..there is some link to the vatican..the symbols are also in the caps of bottles or at the bottom of glasses to energetically alter the ingredients..we found out that there seem to be a occult connection to the kinder surprise eggs aswell as they have been poisoned once and the so called magic toys are related to the military somehow..does make sense because disney is a perfect example of how this satanic brainwash child abuser clans are destroying the roots of human nature already in can this be a real democracy when there are still secret kings and queens ruling over the country..reptilian terror empire would be a more adequate description..and who gave unenlightened disciples mono-atomic gold to push them artificially into higher densities and use them in a war that is not theirs..which is definately the case here with some of our flying and immortal victim gods..and who did open the portals or stargates to let all these astral creatures into our dimension..who did offer them the human and blood sacrifices..john dee was one of them and he was a british occultist..history repeats because of them and because the people can't let go of their ancient rituals and false believes..there is no duality in reality..only one source field interacting with itself..
I've recognized that we are already monitored by mysteriously hidden groups..especially from the US..I mean I'm feeling honored for your attention and I know this information hasn't been leaked in this form before which might make you feel uncomfortable but no need to get overexcited..we all knew the day would come when someone survives all your assassination and destruction campaigns and tells the people about this hidden underworld..I try to be as moderate and secure as possible with the details but the truth has to come sick and tired of this fiction contradiction..otherwise I'm glad to help but it would be nice if this didn't happen over this one-sided, invisible and ignorant way..maybe you should start to properly support your informants and agents like they surprise all your secrets get exposed..bad treatment doesn't pay out..pretty sure it was you who brought the swiss government into this shit hell of alien superhero lab..ive seen your flag at one base..fuck off twice then and never ever set another foot onto this land if you wanna keep it..we take care of our own traitors and maybe you should mind your own business aswell..but in case of serious job offers for example a mission to the base in antarctica let me know..guess people like you know exactly how to find others everywhere in the world..the captains of the ship are always packed and ready..however don't expect me to deliver you much more inside information in here..I will find other ways to distribute my knowledge..I don't like to be watched when I'm at work..too many reptilian eyes on me anyway..and as far I know we still have to rescue some political hostages and terror victims out there..why not using all this so sophisticated equipment and technology for good reasons instead of oppressing unaware and innocent pussy soldiers..I've just invented a new experimentation game..its called change sides..everyone who dares to treat other people like they did with us should try to surrender under the same circumstances..if they do not succeed they are no longer allowed to be in powerful positions within the military, police departments or elsewhere..which will be probably over 80%..they are dumb and weak cowards with small dicks..that's why they have to abuse children or animals..ive seen that in combination with pet zoos and underground systems connected to large appartement complexes in the city (ZH Triemli) where one of the bomb hotspots is in this to the main police station urania and many other another good test to detect these ugly and useless pigs..pants down..they would all fail..seems to be another side-effect of the extensive cloning, hybridization and inzest..deformed mut-ants..using victims not only for sexual abuse but also for bloodsucking and sacrificing..Switzerland seems to be the dwarf and vampire paradise of Europe..this is not here since yesterday and I'm sure thousands of people know about it or are involved..especially the obviously pedophile groups from the brainwash media who severly abused their power over the channels for extreme terror..ive witnessed their secret programs more than once..thats where the real news are shown to the insiders..guess it would be appropriate to chase these sick bastards naked thru the streets and have them humiliated and spit on by the people..what a entertaining in the middle ages which we obviously have never left under the surface..the truth will come out and all of you will get your fair share..justice might be absent in your system but not in the universe..which is apparently far above all of're nothing, your titles mean nothing and you've never deserved to be in such positions and take all this money from the public to carry out these uncontrollable and insane projects..and then you don't even have enough balls to admit your complete incompetence and failure..ridiculous..don't even try..I know the game and I know people like you..and I will not stop until these things have been sorted out properly..if needed under our own rules and laws seem to have no authority anymore..
The Knights Templar were known for their white mantles with a red cross, symbols and colors which are clearly depicted on the flag of Switzerland today, albeit the colors are reversed. The notion that the Knights Templar established a state in Switzerland is corroborated by numerous scholars who believe that the “Templars fled into the Swiss Alps”. Consequently, historical records from that time state that Swiss villagers suddenly becoming very skilled military tacticians. When Leopold I of Austria and 5,000 of his knights were attempting to take control of the St. Gotthard Pass in Switzerland, “His force was ambushed and destroyed by a group of about 1,500 Swiss peasants.” Needless to say, 1,500 peasants could never defeat 5,000 highly skilled knights. Therefore, it’s highly likely that the Swiss peasants were not peasants but rather Knights Templars pretending to be peasants. Prior to the dissolution of the Knights Templar in 1307, the Swiss had no military and no military experience. However, after the infamous battle against Leopold I of Austria, the Swiss suddenly became renowned and seasoned fighters. Swiss legends states that there were "armed white knights" who came to help them in their battles. Interestingly, on the list of Knights Templar sights in Europe and the Middle East, the country of Switzerland remains mysteriously blank. In what appears to be a hoax designed to hide the fact that the Knights Templar fled to Switzerland, a conspiracy theory was promulgated via the book “Holy Blood, Holy Grail” (1982) that the Templars used a fleet of 18 ships to escape from France. According to witness Jean de Châlon, he "heard people talking that [Gerard de Villiers had] put to sea with 18 galleys, and the brother Hugues de Chalon fled with the whole treasury of the brother Hugues de Pairaud”. In short, Châlon’s brother was allegedly on a fleet of 18 ships laden with Templar treasure that set sail from La Rochelle, France just prior to a global warrant being issued for the arrest of the Order in October of 1307. The 675 year-old witness and potential destination of the ship were designed to be a red herring in respect to the true location of the Templars. Lastly, in a bid to further disguise the Knights Templar’s escape to Switzerland, Freemasonry incorporated Templar symbols and rituals in a number of their Masonic bodies since the 18th century. The most notable is the "Order of the Temple", commonly known as the Knight Templar, the final degree in "The United Religious, Military and Masonic Orders of the Temple and of St John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta". Since there is “no known historical evidence” to link the medieval Knights Templar to Masonic Templarism, the degree and title were created in order to pay tribute to provide historical cover for the country of Switzerland by openly associating the Knights Templar with Freemasonry. Therefore, whenever an wherever the Knights Templar are discussed, Freemasonry is automatically brought into the conversation.