Tuesday 10 January 2017


The corrupted swiss national tv broadcaster SRF featured some total blackout apocalypse scenario theme day lately..another fear fueling and preparational manipulation seasons entertainment..propably the only solution to unviolently shut down their tight matrix big brother control grid..their self-fulfilling prophecy..and our desperately needed salvation..




Die Kugelwesen-Allianz bekämpft die gegenwärtig kontrollierende Elite, die als Kabale oder Illuminati bekannt ist und die genau in diesem Moment auf der Erde existiert. Es gibt Ereignisse und Schlachten, die oberhalb unserer Atmosphäre stattfinden, an denen die geheimen Weltraumprogramme und Abspaltungszivilisationen beteiligt sind. Die Menschen auf der Erde wurden in Schuldsklaverei gebracht, Gedanken-kontrolliert, krank gemacht und angelogen, um die Massen zu kontrollieren. Wir hatten Technologien, die uns vorenthalten wurden, die unser Leben verändern könnten. Die Allianz ist hier um der Menschheit zu helfen sich aus dieser tiefen Frequenz heraus zu entwickeln. Es ist an der Zeit, unsere Rechte zu kennen, wer wir wirklich sind, und was wir dafür tun müssen. Diese Technologien würden unmittelbar die Weltwirtschaft zusammenbrechen lassen und das babylonische magische Geldsklavensystem nutzlos machen. Das bedeutet den Kontrollverlust der 0.1% Elite über die Massen und einen vollständigen Paradigmenwechsel.


OFF GRID - Not impossible, but not the default by any means:

- There are 30 million plus surveillance cameras on the US, one camera for every ten Americans.
- The average American is in 200 databases.
- Putting a plan in motion to keep you from being tracked is a good idea if you want to devise a new life for yourself.
- Right before you leave, change your appearance significantly.
- Before you leave, terminate all of your accounts (email, bank accounts, credit cards, etc.).
- Don’t terminate your social network sites as you can use these sites to provide disinformation.
- Before you leave, delete all of your computer files and get rid of your computer’s hard drive  – boil; smash; run a Degausser/ electromagnetic wand.
- Get rid of your cell phone or tablet as these can be easily used to track your location.
- Break your normal patterns (what you eat, where you frequent, how you shop, the kind of work you do, etc.).
- Completely change your lifestyle [and employment].
- Pay for everything with cash.
- Ditch your car and find a substitute; get rid of the toll pass which can track your movements.
- To change your identity … petition the court to change your name legally to a new–and common–name.
- Apply for a driver’s license under your new name.
- Buy a basic pre-paid cell phone (not a smart phone).
- Replace the pre-paid phone frequently, about every 2 weeks.
- To get back online use a new laptop. Stay away from libraries!
- Always use a hard wire to your laptop and turn off the wi-fi; reroute your IP address so your location can’t be determined
- Be aware of the NSA spying and the ECHELON program in the US which monitors phone and computer transmissions for keywords and messages.
- There are 70+ FUSION centers in the US which coordinate surveillance and other information.
- Technology is now available to identify you by the way you walk, your facial measurements and biometrics.
- It will be 7 to 10 years before your old identity drops off of databases, if ever.
- The less you interface with technology, the better off you will be.

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