Wednesday 19 October 2016


Missdiagnosed, misstreated and constantly dismissed..and one horrific incident and traumatic experience chased the other..the ability for self-healing can work a certain time..its part of the internal survival strategy..and i did great despite all the extreme situations ive been going thru..but its difficult to recover during ongoing and neverending trauma..which is part of their professional torture brainwash system..we all know..and it doesnt look like someone would soon interveine..or actively support the cause which affects us all..i have to do everything on my own..and so the invisible terror, the invisible torture and the invisible killing and night..since almost 4 years nonstop..poison, radiation, observation, harassment, attacks..its actually a wonder that im still here talking to people and getting up each day..guess many others would have been dead long time ago..and some are already..right..mainly inside..people just watch and we can wait until we have cancer or another serious illness and die..great plan..the clean and white murder and elimination of honest and brave people..shame on you..and still my core is intact and it will be enough determination left in there to have this all put back on your shoulders..the list is long but not impossible..its very wrong what is happening here..injustice and cruelness in its purest form..i hate this and i hate why dont you just shut the fuck up and kill yourself..thank you..i cant hear those stupid voices anymore, i cant see those hostile stalkers anymore and i dont want to be part of this totally disgusting and psychopathic society either..maybe i should start some baby poo business..there seems to be a huge underground market for that if any crazy preppers need some shit stock down there just call your no. 1 swiss kackapoo dealer..the country would be actually nice if there were no people..thats all there is and all that will be..dirt and dirt and another dirt..and hey look over there is also dirt..and even more behind it...






If you have experienced severe trauma or a life-threatening event — whether during a time of war or in a noncombat situation — you may develop symptoms of posttraumatic stress, or what is commonly known as PTSD. Maybe during the event you felt as if your life or the lives of others were in danger or that you had no control over what was happening. While in the military, you may have witnessed people being injured or dying, or you may have experienced physical harm yourself.

Some of the most common symptoms of PTSD include recurring memories or nightmares of the event, sleeplessness, loss of interest, and feelings of numbness, anger or irritability, or being constantly on guard, but there are many ways PTSD can impact your everyday life. Sometimes these symptoms don't surface for months or even years after the event occurred or after returning from deployment. They may also come and go. If these problems persist or they're disrupting your daily life, you may have PTSD.

Complex post-traumatic stress disorder (C-PTSD), also known as complex trauma, is a proposed diagnostic term for a set of symptoms resulting from prolonged stress of a social and/or interpersonal nature, especially in the context of interpersonal dependence. Subjects displaying traits associated with C-PTSD include victims of chronic maltreatment by caregivers, as well as hostages, prisoners of war, concentration camp survivors, survivors of some religious cults, and a parent or guardian with narcissistic personality disorder, whether in the grandiose or covert forms.

Situations causing the kind of traumatic stress that can lead to C-PTSD-like symptoms include captivity or entrapment (a situation lacking a viable escape route for the victim), as well as psychological manipulation (gaslighting and/or false accusations), which can result in a prolonged sense of helplessness and deformation of one's identity and sense of self.

Six suggested core components of complex trauma treatment include:

- Safety
- Self-regulation
- Self-reflective information processing
- Traumatic experiences integration
- Relational engagement
- Positive affect enhancement

Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD) is a condition that results from chronic or long-term exposure to emotional trauma over which a victim has little or no control and from which there is little or no hope of escape, such as in cases of:

- domestic emotional, physical or sexual abuse
- childhood emotional, physical or sexual abuse
- entrapment or kidnapping.
- slavery or enforced labor.
- long term imprisonment and torture
- repeated violations of personal boundaries.
- long-term objectification.
- exposure to gaslighting & false accusations
- long-term exposure to inconsistent, push-pull, splitting or alternating raging & hoovering behaviors.
- long-term taking care of mentally ill or chronically sick family members.
- long term exposure to crisis conditions.

When people have been trapped in a situation over which they had little or no control at the beginning, middle or end, they can carry an intense sense of dread even after that situation is removed. This is because they know how bad things can possibly be. And they know that it could possibly happen again. And they know that if it ever does happen again, it might be worse than before.

The degree of C-PTSD trauma cannot be defined purely in terms of the trauma that a person has experienced. It is important to understand that each person is different and has a different tolerance level to trauma. Therefore, what one person may be able to shake off, another person may not. Therefore more or less exposure to trauma does not necessarily make the C-PTSD any more or less severe.

C-PTSD sufferers may "stuff" or suppress their emotional reaction to traumatic events without resolution either because they believe each event by itself doesn't seem like such a big deal or because they see no satisfactory resolution opportunity available to them. This suppression of "emotional baggage" can continue for a long time either until a "last straw" event occurs, or a safer emotional environment emerges and the damn begins to break.

The "Complex" in Complex Post Traumatic Disorder describes how one layer after another of trauma can interact with one another. Sometimes, it is mistakenly assumed that the most recent traumatic event in a person's life is the one that brought them to their knees. However, just addressing that single most-recent event may possibly be an invalidating experience for the C-PTSD sufferer. Therefore, it is important to recognize that those who suffer from C-PTSD may be experiencing feelings from all their traumatic exposure, even as they try to address the most recent traumatic event.

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