Tuesday 23 August 2016


Dr. St. Josephius Mengele live on stage..certainly a client of those cheap and perverted torture brothels..right..now as free nazi-tax-gift for every swiss citizen, church member and customer of mobile communication services..bonus price: pain, suffering, cancer, death..nice futures for all of us..who wants to be next..total surveillance and mind-control included..if there are real gods we should pray to them each day and night that all those beasts will be brought to justice..before we all become dull zombie puppets or dead ghosts..probably by some baphomets or yaltabaoths..those are definately nasty gods..propably exactly what such empty demons need..legions of aliens in real spaceships invading their facilities..i prefer their invasion instead of the mind-jail of some out of control and insane governments..and i am not talking about your clone and hybrid brillion heads..those human looking robot dolls..real entities..far above all your technologies and knowings..your worst fear..right..and our best chance to defeat the hell you have created..no submission to total terror matrix systems..i would rather die..so come and try me again..i would love to fight a battle face to face..but you are nothing..right..a piece of poopoo is worth more..a bunch of weak and psychotic sissy-pussys behind some devices..ridiculous..should shoot your own heads..useless existences..the world doesnt need you..fuck off to your grave killer sites..you goath and vampire psychopaths..and the rest of this brainwashed masonic horror state..switzerland is the european top peak mountain of shit..not less not more..small but huge in its evolness..occult cackahell deluxe version..i dont buy it anymore and i never will again..and no beautiful weather scenery or other distraction will ever change that again..you decided..and now its me or you..until i am leaving this world for good..propably a bit later than you..but lets see..i am still looking forward to that day..even more the clearer i perceive whats behind..i see a great advantage in this transition..but for now i will let others speak and write for me instead..as i need to save my powers for coming battles..and i am just too disgusted by all this and too disappointed by the zombified population..lullilulliluu..Froschleich für alli..


There can never be any justification for torture. It creates an escalation of violence in the internal affairs of states. It spreads like a contagious disease from country to country. It has lasting effects on the mental and physical health of the victim and brutalizes the torturer. It is fundamental duty as human beings to express what is surely the conscience of humanity and to eradicate this evil.

Manipulating the minds of an unwitting church congregation the means of this insidious method of mind-control is in my opinion, an act of the most despicable evil. For a long time now, some force alien to the spiritual and humanistic evolution of humanity has been working hard to subvert, and then reverse, the true awakening of human consciousness.

This force, working with both words and symbols, has effectively side-tracked humanity for its own ends. Erecting countless barriers on the path that leads to conscious awareness. Quite a feat...!
Especially when one considers that, somewhere within, all of us are primed to react positively to love, joy, creativity and exploration of the unknown.

Any force or entity intending to squash that lot must surely have access to some pretty advanced insights. Insights into just where to find the potential fissures in our 'state of wholeness'.
And then, to know exactly what to do to ensure that they are prized open and made extremely difficult to close again!

We recognize how subliminal advertising has the power to direct the subconscious element of the human brain to react in ways that are advantageous to those doing the advertising; but typically disadvantageous to those impulsively caught by the irrational desire to buy whatever it is that is being advertised.

Imagery, especially that dressed with an emotional content, has the power to become transfixed in the neocortex. Producing a stream of irrational thoughts that, if allowed to prevail, lead the individual into a prison of his or her own making.

One of the most ubiquitous and effective of these emotionally charged images is the Christian Cross. It was to become a symbol with an almost unique power to imprison its adherents.
On its own, this cross already achieves a certain degree of penetration of the subconscious and indeed conscious mind; but with the addition of the forlorn figure of Jesus nailed and roped onto its crossbar, it instantly triples in power.

An entire galaxy of emotionally charged feelings, views, opinions and uncertainties are instantly drawn, like moths to a flame, around this image; thanks to our mass indoctrinations into the Western religious belief system called Christianity.
We can see that, to be an effective indoctrination mind-controller, one first needs to establish a powerful symbol/image and then imbue it with a meaning which will serve the end one desires to bring about.

Two thousand years after the crucifixion, the image in question still arouses in followers of the Christian doctrine - and even many non-followers - a kind of diluted, tepid form of compassion. Also the emotion of 'shame'; the emotion of 'guilt'; the emotion of 'mystic adoration'.

Emotions which add-up to a pervasive sense of sadness. A subconscious inner submission. Submission to the doctrinaire persuasions of the Christian tradition. The one's which teach that, since our 'fall' in the Garden of Eden, we are all 'sinners', and therefore in some way responsible for the demise of a great saint.

Now just consider the extraordinary power of repression which is built into accepting a criminal involvement in the death of one who is claimed to be the Son of God!

Now images and symbols can - and do - also work for the common good. For the inspiration of mankind. When devised by the hand of the 'artist of good intent', symbols stir the corpuscles of our higher consciousness, putting us in touch with our deeper selves. All great artists have created and continue to create such imagery.

Even the cross, in its more pagan form - as in the Celtic Cross - (originally) exuded a positive resonance, seeming to centre the viewer in a spiritually harmonious way. This is not mind control, but mind liberation.

Whereas the Christian Cross, by dint of the lateral bar being three quarters of the way up the execution pole, places the emphasis of the image elsewhere. The crucifixion of criminals on these stakes was, I learned recently, a common occurrence at the time of Jesus.

The high position of the cross bar emphasizes the upper body and head at the expense of the lower body. In this, it encourages the formation of a split, where in fact there is no split. Mind body and spirit are 'whole', which the Celtic Cross appears to recognize.

But the introduction of an 'upward' aspiring theme plays neatly into the notion of 'salvation'. And salvation is a critically important and indeed central concept of Christianity.
One which has proved to be the downfall for millions upon millions of 'God fearing' citizens of this planet, for at least the last two millennia.

We can see just how easily those willing and able to exploit human weakness, have capitalized on a salvation-susceptible humanity; giving rise to thousands of years of almost continuous manipulation of the prevalent servile mentality. A mentality brought about by seeing one's self as a largely powerless entity, and that which one worships as being the voice of absolute authority.

This is what the Christian (Catholic) Church has, wittingly or unwittingly, been promoting since its inception; but with the tacit support and outright cunning of the masters of deception and mind control. From here, is is just one step on to a long stream of capitulations by 'the people' to central control systems.

Usually taking the form of exploitive,
- 'democratic' governments
- oligarchs
- hegemonic corporations
- the banking industry
- the media corporation
- the military industrial war machine
- Nazi inspired trading blocks,
...all contributing to the outright ecocide of planet Earth.

But the old forms of religious indoctrination did eventually start to loose some of their pulling power. And this provided Orwell's Big Brother the cue to turn his attention towards a new kind of mass hypnosis. A hypnosis designed to further strengthen the momentum of the Illuminati directed New World Order program.

To get it to the point where 'full spectrum dominance' could be applied without anybody really noticing. Without it ever appearing as though it was being enforced. Without ever seeming to be anything other than voluntary acceptance by a public ever eager to savor the fruits of the 'convenience' life style which was being laid at its doorstep.

So it is that a new form of Christian Cross became erected across the fields and dales of countryside expanses and on the roofs of town houses, schools and businesses. It was christened 'the mobile phone tower'.

There was a more direct route to the neocortex; one which could be used wherever and whenever it was deemed useful, to solicit information about the location and behavior of just about anybody and everybody. To listen to conversations and to create a further blockage of the development of human consciousness.

This microwave emitting Tower of Babel was to readily find its place alongside,
- pesticide ridden and GMO denatured foods
- polluted water supplies
- engineered atmospheric disturbances
- controlled weather

As well as dumbing-down TV transmissions; 24/7 Hi-Tech surveillance apparatus and the wholesale propaganda exercise known as 'education' - including its close cousin 'democratic government'.

Thanks to the mobile phone tower supplanting the Christian Cross we can now Tweet and Twitter our way to the promised land of an aver more automated existence. One where the difference between a human and a machine become practically indiscernible. A blending which fulfills the coldly calculating goal of the Transhumanist agenda.

Lost in the wonderment of a Wi-Fi world that increasingly 'does our thinking for us' - we find the aptly named 'Cloud technologies'. Technologies that create an invisible, interlinked virtual microwave reality, sealing us off from the real world like a curtain pulled across a garden window.

While all the while, brains are slowly fried via the handsets that receive the microwave tower signals. Precious brains, that just might have shown us a whole other way of reaching the actual Promised Land. That place which, from the beginning, was our very special prerogative to create. A prerogative based upon our inherited powers of Godliness. Powers stolen via the deliberate separation of man from God, as exemplified by the sacrificial cross.

Now, with our World on the brink, we have no choice other than to find the courage to bring forth in ourselves that which is our true power. A power which has refused to die, in spite of all. Our Divine gift.
The only power that can still, even at this late stage, overcome the sycophantic architects of control and finally bring to birth the glorious reality we came here to make manifest.

• Recurrent confrontations by unusually hostile strangers; and comments by strangers which appear intended to evoke “paranoid” reactions.
In this context, we note that several individuals have reported confrontations with “homeless” people who, on closer examination, were found to be fastidiously clean, though garbed in offbeat fashion (wigs included).
• Entries into the individual’s residence, during late-night hours while he/she is sleeping, and/or during the day when the individual is elsewhere.

- Apathy, indifference and/or professed helplessness on the part of members of Congress and state legislators.
- Dismissal and/or attempted discrediting by psychiatrists who refuse to include the terms, “government harassment,” “mind-control experimentation” and “torture” in their vocabulary.

• Lack of interest, courage and/or competency in legal circles.
• Refusal of the mass media to address this topic, except in those cases where suspected experimentees have been driven to committing murder or suicide.
• Refusal and/or inability of local police to intervene.
• Use of psychotropic drugs by cooperative physicians.

People have been dumbed down to the point where anything presented as fact, news or science is accepted without a second thought.

It's that second thought that is so critical, but it doesn't happen often, leaving us reeling, wondering how we got collectively duped again and again.

The first method characteristically used by ideological totalism is milieu control: the control of all communication within a given environment. In such an environment individual autonomy becomes a threat to the group. There is an attempt to manage an individual's inner communication.

Milieu control is maintained and expressed by intense group process, continuous psychological pressure, and isolation by geographical distance, unavailability of transportation, or even physical restraint. Often the group creates an increasingly intense sequence of events such as seminars, lectures and encounters which makes leaving extremely difficult, both physically and psychologically.

Intense milieu control can contribute to a dramatic change of identity which I call doubling: the formation of a second self which lives side by side with the former one, often for a considerable time. When the milieu control is lifted, elements of the earlier self may be reasserted.

Scientists who have spoken up on the environmental impact of military microwave or electromagnetic systems have been treated as security risks, and have had their funds cut, so great is the military's concern in protecting their communications systems by ensuring themselves unlimited use of radio frequencies or microwaves.

While most of the public are only exposed to very low levels of microwaves and radio frequencies, a considerable number (between one and two percent) live or work near emitters, such as radio and television transmitters, military and airport radar, and industrial tools utilizing these frequencies. Therefore, it is likely that they are exposed to levels that have been proven to be unhealthful or downright dangerous.

"We need a program of psychosurgery and political control of our society. The purpose is physical control of the mind. Everyone who deviates from the given norm can be surgically mutilated."
"The individual may think that the most important reality is his own existence, but this is only his personal point of view. This lacks historical perspective."
Dr. Jose Delgado

This is explained by the fact that gang stalking and electronic harassment targets are kept in a sort of "barely alive" condition, with significant health problems, and either unable to work or just barely able to hold a job with limited earning potential. Furthermore, since the perpetrators constantly work to prevent the public from knowing anything about gang stalking and electronic harassment, evidence is obtainable with great difficulty, and often the only evidence is of lower quality than would be accepted for a scientific treatise.

The experimentees without exception report that once the harassment begins, in virtually all cases it continues for life. It continues in every city, state, and country the target moves to. It continues in
prisons and hospitals, even when the target is dying of cancer.

Some have children and the children are often subjected to the same "testing" as their parent(s). Pets are not only tortured, but even killed, painfully and violently.

Another satanic church in America poses as a New Age Catholic Church connected with the Celtic movement. In actuality, it is heavily involved in child pornography and ritual orgies. It is not known whether or not the church engages in mind control.

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