Sunday 10 April 2016


We from LA MEDIA decided to introduce a new and independent media format for Switzerland. As our national broadcasters SF DRS and distributors Swisscom are obviously completly infiltrated, corrupted and involved in highly criminal and satanic activities. We from TELE 25 always knew about these atrocities going on and will now spread the word of truth to the population which does not get the proper and important informations from the disinforming illitarian brainwash media. Its clear that the state TV and communication companies do have a financial and criminal connection to the military and the satanic-masonic church and abuse their power to conceal heavy crimes against innocent and unaware. Their weather people are definatley in on the chemtrail conspiracy. They produce tv movies with a militant and satanic FAMA AG which will be replaced by a lowlowlow budget RAMA film BAG. Then they run some underground channels in which they use the privacy of unaware citizens as entertainment which actually shows exactly how insane and psychologically degenerated these creatures are. Astral hardcore surveillance stalker voyeurism society. Hope they die from eye cancer. Then there is the well-known connection to brainwashing which is part of the daily media and marketing manipulation business and sure the abuse of such techniques for personal or professional gain. Especially when it comes to the satisfaction of bizarre and perverted sexual preferences. Pedophilia, sadistic pleasures, sodomites, rapists, occultists which always need new victims for the previous mentioned rituals and sacrifices who are collected over the vast network of crime gangs and event groupings and covered by state related clientel from all branches that are necessary to conceal all related crimes. Very organized and with tousands of active and obviously perverted and insane members. Someone has let this happen a long time ago or it could have never got that big. If a country is unable to stop their own filth the people need to find own solutions. To accomplish this they first need the proper information which will be given to them by our various new media art alternative streams from TELE 25,  RADIO 25, 25 MINUTES and other overground truth communication projects. This sick satanic shit needs to go and the people united will get it done.


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