Monday 25 April 2016


Now some swiss leftist weirdo wants state bordellos to protect prostitutes from harm. Rather protect them from people who want to save them from such places. As far we know the state prostitutes already abused by government personnel is treated less than dirt. They dont even get money for the sex. Nor is it consensual. Guess they just want to make it official now. Its normal that the owners of the brodels will get sex for free. Not enough that our politicians consume porn in the parliament. But no one seems to care about our totally insane, perverted and terorristic government. Until their own children get abused by these bastards. Better keep your guns. Not for the aliens. But for the out of control state servants and their billion dollar equipment. To protect the government from freedom and truth loving people. Control and oppression is all they do. Not less not more. War against civilians with sophisticated and expensive devices which normal people cannot afford but pay for with taxes. Pave their own hell. Attacking unaware and defenceless citizens who are unpayed and involuntary stars of some creepy big brother psycho sex show. No thanks.



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