Sunday 13 March 2016


3 years pope F..what a unhappy occasion..holy st. shit..ive just stumbled upon this great movie Spotlight that highlights the child abuse cover-u.ops of the catholic church. Very similar to our case here. Or wasnt it the priest Werlen from Kloster Einsiedeln who was involved into the story with these street punk prostitutes from day one. Just like many others. Also rich cabbals who secretly rule the masonic churches which is shown very open in their symbolics. The jewish star is above the cross. And yes they abuse children and force whole states to accept this behaviour. We should not tolerate this. Wether from church members nor from any other elements. And sure not from our police and military. The law is the same for everyone or does not deserve our further attention. How much longer do they wanna wait. Leave these people and children suffer in this hell world. Heartless cripples is all our goverment and departements are made of. Stupid brainless shit. They need to be mobbed out of office. All of them. I recommend nightly stalking attacks in their bedrooms. People know. Many. Ongoing denial, inaction and ignorance will support a deeper fall. For the whole country if you dont see the importance in cleaning this pedo-mess. People will make you do it. With force if needed. You know. People had enough. I can tell. The story of this swiss zombie psycho hell. Runnig since years. And now behind another front. Bio gege jede. The same pseudo-alternative non-anarchist nazi-group like in 2013. Who are together with their religious/occult leaders and rich pimps responsible for many of the crimes committed in Switzerland to keep running their satanic pedo sodom business. They need to be stopped and punished. If the state agents assigned for such jobs are unable to do so the people need to find another solution. And we will. If needed we publish our own newspaper to inform the population about these horrific cases. So just keep on reading and watching until your eyes bleed. I would appreciate it. Peace means war. Youve learned me that and it will fuck you into your pedo-gay assholes. If you want it you can have it. Or you just fuck off and start working like you should. My healthy and natural place. My new family. Dont you dare to disturb this. You would regret it harder than ever before. They slaughter their cows and chickens and i wouldnt mind doing this to your horned and winged bastard gods too. Thats why they have to be all bio and vegan around you. Makes sense. Another reason to eat meat again. At least theirs were happy animals. I will not tolerate this terror any longer. Ive told you before and i will not repeat myself. In Sirnach is a military base for everyone who wants to know or attack. KSMM, FEDPOL, SWISS ARMY SOLDIER DIRT IS LESS THAN GARBAGE. You have nothing to do here. We do not abuse children or force others to sell their bodies. Or sacrifice hypnotized/paralyzed or dead bodies to daimons. Just like your sick little street servants do on their party events. Searching new victims for their bloody gods. Just like the Glanzenberg-Kilchberg connection. Also linked to clinics corrupted by criminal police forces as well as bunkers and the military that obviously is full of hybrid/clone reptilian/greys who consume humans in several ways. We dont even commit any real crimes. Its not only unnecessary to observe us 24/7 since 3 years while real psychotic criminals are still walking free in this country but its also a shame. Another proof of the complete nonsense the swiss state is. Out of control. None of you can say they didnt know. All guilty. And i wouldnt mind to see this country go down. The last years prooved that you are not worth it. Not a second. No protection, no salvation, no freedom for Switzerland. Only for the people. The rest must go. For ever and ever. Just like the stock markets in the Mr. Robot hacker series. Away with all the greedy and perverted filth. Fuck off you surveillance nutters, controler junkies and brainwashed nonseeingeyes.


Unter den übrigen Gesetzen Solons ist das eigentümlichste und überraschendste dasjenige, welches dem das Bürgerrecht aberkennt, der sich bei einem Bürgerzwist keiner Partei anschliesst. Die Absicht ist dabei wohl, dass niemand sich der Allgemeinheit gegenüber gleichgültig und unempfindlich verhalten soll, indem er, nur auf seine persönliche Sicherheit bedacht, sich auch noch mit seiner Uninteressiertheit an den Nöten des Vaterlandes brüstet, sondern dass jeder sich sogleich zu denen schlagen solle, die die bessere und gerechtere Strafe vertreten, die Gefahr mit ihnen zu teilen und ihnen beistehen soll, statt in Sicherheit abzuwarten, wer die Oberhand gewinnt.

A recognizable psychiatric phenomena..stimulated thru the unnatural oppression of healthy sexual relationships. If a village is needed to raise a child, a village is needed to abuse one. Midnight church bell concert. Its 1 o'clock. Black mess i guess. Right. Like this would help to make this story go away. Another desperate act of the swiss insanity church. Go back to hell. And take your hell bells with you. Byee baphoo.

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