Friday 20 November 2015


We previously investigated and mentioned a mysterious pipeline company with that name who seems to be involved with the reptilian swisscom antenna tower bunker networks and their related secret surveillance and mind-control projects. I've just stumbled upon something strange related to that name. The Romag generator. Producing free magnetic energy. So we can ask ourself again if this is just a coincidence or if these companies are in reality, secretly and vastly using a similar free and well-protected technology to run their electronics and facilities. Behind the backs of the public who still pay expensive energy from unsustainable ressources. To force them into slavery and the connected complicity of a ecocide that is obviously not needed as other technologies are available since a while. But have been oppressed by the empire to keep us in the chains of their capitalistic society and abuse their privilege for selfish and greedy reasons. Insiders know that many alien bases are run with sort of magnetic power grids. So we can imagine where they got it from. Just like all the other miraculous technologies we've learned about in here. See also the plasma generators which go into a similar direction of the free energy movement that has been started by people like Tesla or Schauberger. Both germans. Their inventions and many other advanced pioneering technologies have been used by scientists and the military for obviously very inhuman and ignorant purposes. While it has been meant to uplift humanity in their evolution which is not the goal of everyone on this planet as we all can see now. And that the name is connected to Rome itself and with two red moons in the logo is sure no accident either. The famous earth satellite. Propably artificial and inhabited as well as the original moon planet seemed to be destroyed due to a previous star wars episode. It sure needs a lot of energy to recreate the moonish functions in our solar system. But the ones who broke it might also have to fix it and that's how they do it. Otherwise there would be no life on earth. But if a natural system already has so many bugs and imbalances its impossible to repair it with external methods like they also try with geo-engineering which seems to make the climate worse with each day of spraying. Maybe its time for a new solution model. Solving problems at the root and from another point of view. Or start all over again. Everything else seems totally off sense. Remember the secret space program connection. Pretty sure the romans keep a lot more hidden from us than just spiritual knowledge. They are unholier as one can be. And didn't use the egyptians their pyramids as power grids too. Or did they harvest earth's magnetic energy. Stole it from humanity to maintain their secret underground and interplanetary bases. It's interesting that switzerland still produces enough energy even if all atomic power plants are turned off. This indicates that we already are connected to a alternative power network due to the uncertain and war-like situation the world and this country is in. In case everything crashes down around us which has sure been already the case once in a while. Maybe sort of emergency plan. Shared power structures of the subterranean societies. Mainly and originally meant to be used by the elite, their pseudo-illuminated servants and for their massive underground safe places. While everyone else faces destruction. Or why let people pay for something that is free if they wanted to liberate humanity with such a act. It's only here to save their own asses in case everything in their sick plans goes wrong. Not less not more. That's how this people calculate and we better take back what's ours because they couldn't care less.


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