Thursday 29 October 2015


There is this orb phenomena documented all over the world in seems these spheric balls of energy are sort of souls or ghosts..they watch us and followed us..they could see from distance what we were doing thru these balls which seem to be more like eyes for astral parts able to consciously separate from the body while wake and present at a distant place..they also use birds in our case crows to communicate and areas where paranormal activities appeared and bases seem to exist underground these balls seemed to be coming out of small holes in the ground between roots of the to the wood and rock hill homes where the originator of those seem to live..their astral shape also look like orbs in different colors..sensitive people can see them without camera..some say they are spirits from dead people, animals or plants..all comes together in the astral realm..just hidden in front of us..makes death not look so bad after all..guess it all depends where our souls are going or get stored after..if they are free or not..being immortal in hell must be the real hell..there are the souls of the sacrificed victims taken by their famous eye..they have to be saved pretty sure that they use my boyfriend who has special abilities too to watch me but we are not allowed to see each other since 3 years..nice way to emotionally torture human hearts..something these people do as a payed job and find pleasure in it..needless to say what I'm going to do with such pricks once I catch them..


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