Tuesday 12 May 2009

Mad cow disease, bird flu, swine flu, economic flu. Whats next? Brain flu?

The whole flu situation seems not real to me. I would go so far to say its just a horrible marketing strategy of the big pharma industry. They spread the virus in poor countries to start the panic. They dont care if some people die from it because everytime a so called new flu is spreading they sell tons of their tamiflu medication. That is not even successfully tested. No one knows if it would really help but alll countries buy it. And then suddenly the flu disappears again. Until next time. When the drugs arent defensible anymore so everyone has to buy again. Another example of how cruel the powerful are. Really bad voices told me that they already have a cure for aids but dont make it public because someone that has aids needs medication that costs around 3000 dollars each day. That would be really sick but after all the scams they threw on us i wouldnt be surprised at all. Just remember 911 and all the wars they start around the world only to satisfiy their greed for more power and more money. We always have to pay their bills in some way. Sometimes even with our life.

Stop the manipulation.

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